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Images of camera equipment damaged/destroyed during the recent eclipse


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I've just been reading the cloudy nights solar forum about building a projection box and came across the following link to Lens Rentals in the US regarding damage done to rental cameras and lenses despite their many warnings about what precautions needed to be taken.


I hope that none of the users of said equipment suffered any injury.

Just goes to reinforce how hazardous viewing the sun is if you don't use the correct filters and follow guidance.


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done All the camera ones without a eclipse, ive burn through caps and even burnt my hand with a alloy focuser plug, I now have a good setup routeen of leaving everything setup then I have no problems . I have all my fallen heros "cameras" on a shelf in my obsyroom least I forget. charl.

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I suppose it's the Diamond ring moment......    great iconic shot without filter, and conveniently just after a filter-free totality......  but if you leave it too long after third contact then you are generating damage. 

Type of thing you just let slipas you get swept along in the excitement and leave the Canon 1D on an exposure sequence.!!!!!

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I'm going to make a confession here.Ive been looking at the  the Sun through various scopes for 45 years and considered myself a safe solar observer, however a moments carelessness during the Mercury transit last year damaged my Canon 1100D. I was having difficulty with the focus and I removed the filter from the scope to focus exact infinity using a distant ship out in the Forth.I was distracted for a second and then swung the unfiltered scope back onto the Sun.I immediately saw the intense flash through the viewer.

My disbelief  soon turned to relief when the camera operated normally afterwards.

The heat melted the corner of the shutter and discoloured the mirror on one side,I was extremely lucky, as I say the camera works fine and theirs not even any sign of the discolouration through the viewer.

I was very ashamed of myself and since it happened I'm now doubly cautious where the Sun is concerned.


Damaged Shutter.jpg

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Thanks Ade,Luckily my eyes were nowhere near the viewer when it happened.I once heard a saying ' The Sun shows no favour to the stupid' ,well I think the Sun god was looking down on me that day and decided to let me off with a warning...this time.


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