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Nebula Lows - And High!


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As usual, I tested the GoTo, and found that open clusters M29 (Cooling Tower) and M39 were almost dead centre in the EP (low mag; 8SE).

IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula (Cepheus) - the nebulosity was not apparent (Moon, sky in general, early session), but the associated cluster was interesting, centring on a close triple in triangular pattern (SAO 33626) with about 5 arcmins overall separation, clearly split at x68, and much clearer at x113.  And there is also a close pair nearby.  If you like the Double Double, try these!

NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula  (Cepheus) - again, only the cluster was visible, a pleasing loose array of bright and fainter stars.  (The nebula is said to be difficult to see anyway.)

Gamma Cas Nebulae IC 59 & 63 - Gamma Cas itself is a spectroscopic binary which can't be split visually.  It also has two faint optical companions.  It is called Navi, because of its use as a reference in US space missions, and because the title is the reverse of the middle name (Ivan) of an astronaut.  I digress.  Still no joy nebula-wise, with and without filters.

M31 - an easy target as usual, but no sign of M32, and no clear handle on M101.

So apart from clusters contained within nebulae, not much luck so far!

NGC 7662 Blue Snowball Nebula (planetary nebula C22 in Andromeda) - easier than diffuse nebulae of course.  At low mag, it appeared like a star in the field, but - unlike the stars - stood out as a clear bright circle when magnified to x145.  Being so clear, the OIII filter did little to enhance the appearance. 

So the session ended successfully as clouds rolled in.  Some you win, some you lose!


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