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Scotland's best months for astronomy?

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Hi, I spent some time in Scotland last year and was amazed at the dark skies during the winter months. I have now moved fairly close to Elgin and would like to learn more about  astronomy. I'd like to know what months of the year would be considered dark enough to be useful for Astronomy (observational astronomy and also astro imaging). 

Thanks in advance for any info. 


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I live in Edinburgh and to be honest, I've not really been able to do much over the past 4 or 5 months. In the last few weeks I've been able to start getting outside again (11:30pm until around 3am is about the darkest period you will get just now). I've only been into Astronomy for a few years, but in my short experience November, December and January have been the darkest....also the coldest. It's just trying to get the weather that is the problem....too much rain and cloud here! 

If you're into brighter things (planet and lunar observing) then you could probably quite easily do something all year round. However if DSOs are your bag, then "summer" (if that exists in Scotland) probably isn't great as I don't think it get properly dark up here.



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Ideally, the best stargazing is found in the period between when Astronomical Twilight ends in the evening and begins in the morning.  Astronomical twilight is defined basically as when the centre of the Sun is between 12 and 18 degrees below the horizon.  Once it is below that lower threshold, the sky can be considered properly dark.  However, at such high latitudes as Elgin, a good portion of the summer months, that is never achieved (in fact not even Astronomical Twilight is reached).  


This link will show Astronomical Twilight times (and Nautical and Civil) for your location at any time of year.  http://www.ukweathercams.co.uk/sunrise_sunset_times.php


Of course in this fair land of ours with its wonderful weather, best advice is get out and enjoy the sky you have when ever you have the opportunity! :icon_biggrin:

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You will get long nights sort of Oct to March then the nights will remain light April to Sept.

You are effectively in a location to say that between the Autumn and Spring Equinox should be good and between the Spring and Autimn Equinox would be poor. With the weeks around the Equinox's as decent/fair. So Oct to March fair to good and May to Aug poor. April  and Sept are a case of you can do some but it will be  a little later in the evening.

One thing to bear in mind is that a dark sky is good but it needs prmarily to be a clear sky. So what are the prevailing weather conditions like as a dark cloud covered sky does not allow much. Whereas a clear but not so dark one does allow some viewing.

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29 minutes ago, cotterless45 said:

Three years running we've been to north Skye in October for the new Moon. It's been absolutely gorgeous with up to 10 nights of clear sky. Think the weather settles after the westerlies,

old Nick

You going this year, Nick? I thoroughly enjoyed your reports from last year...

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I live just outside Edinburgh but am orginally from Skye ( well kyle of Localsh actually but no one knows where that is!!) and down here it is just getting dark at a resonable time to start observing so it won't be too far away up at Elgin-the question is how late are you prepared to wait up!! I generally consider fro about now to about May time as being 'in season'!

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The nights will  soon start getting longer, and as long as the seeing is good, you'll have some great fun, though you'll just wanna get  yourself outside of Elgin, trying to avoid any street lights, city glow!

Find the right spot, and keep it to yourself, unlikely you'll get disturbed, I know!

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Further to my previous text, I've woken at some silly hour, here in London, and from my bed, trying to focus my eye! Is that just another plane into Heathrow? a helicopter maybe ?

Neither, Its the start of my observing season? That bright Star is actually Venus, if I'm not dreaming!


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