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Best punt at around £100

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4 hours ago, barkis said:

I mean, who want to be associated with a Pretty telescope, especially at a Macho Star Party :D.

Oh I don't know, I think my macho pride could just about stand being forced to use one of those (very pretty) new WO61s - but a blue one not a pink one!

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23 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Oh I don't know, I think my macho pride could just about stand being forced to use one of those (very pretty) new WO61s - but a blue one not a pink one!

All look the same in the dark.









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Another Heritage fanboy here :-)

My first ever scope.  I only realised that a telescope was within my budget when I clocked Lidl selling the 70/700 for ~£75.  Had I had the cash available there and then, I'd have bought it.  Armed with the knowledge that it might be affordable, I done what I knew I should and started researching.  Found this place, was recommended the Heritage and took the plunge.  From the very first views, I knew I'd bagged a winner.  When the family started getting involved because the views were so unexpectedly good, it was the cherry on the cake.

Knowing what I do now, I always give a wry smile every time I see those scopes for sale in Lidl.  I'm not knocking them - I've never even looked through one - but I've read enough to know that in inexperienced hands it may end up putting people off rather than pique their interest, especially with the poor accessories. 

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On 8/31/2017 at 08:34, barkis said:

I mean, who want to be associated with a Pretty telescope, especially at a Macho Star Party :D.

I'd never thought about it that way, but perhaps that's why there are so many monster truss dobs at US star parties.  Compensating, me thinks?  Sort of like driving a Ford F-350 dually pickup truck with cattle guard?  American machismo at its finest.

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2 hours ago, Louis D said:

Sort of like driving a Ford F-350 dually pickup truck with cattle guard?  American machismo at its finest.

Hah! My brother had an Ex-USAAF Dodge Ram with stretched wheelbase, you cold have parked one of those on the back of it :headbang:


I started with a Lidl scope, but pretty soon got a 150PL. I keep the Bresser for Solar, with a Baader film filter stuffed in the dew shield. Not bad with skywatcher EPs. I got these pictures with it.




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4 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

I got these pictures with it.

Exactly.  When people say they want to do astrophotography, I always say even a dob coupled afocally to a camera can do a decent job on solar system targets.  If it has tracking (even alt-az), all the better.

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10 hours ago, Louis D said:

Exactly.  When people say they want to do astrophotography, I always say even a dob coupled afocally to a camera can do a decent job on solar system targets.  If it has tracking (even alt-az), all the better.

Even I have posted some afocal pictures taken through my Dob, I have been very pleased with what I have taken - I just need a little more time to play with things and that means more clear nights when I'm not doing anything else.  When I showed the telescope to my daughter's friends one of the lads was very interested and asked about photography.  I showed him my T-ring and explained the limitations of a Dob without tracking for taking photo's, what I'd seen accomplished with a Dob like mine (I've still got to get there, but I'd love a punt at M42 and want to have a successful go with a video camera - all of which I think are possible), and then told him about the terrific photos that I've seen taken with the special tripod based mounts that track perfectly in all planes. 

I think most people just want to take a half acceptable 'snap' of the moon and the planets, maybe a few star clusters to show others what they see - this fabulous astro photography that I see demonstrated on SGL I see as a completely different field, scale of activity and budget.  I am quite convinced that afocal photography to take acceptable 'snaps' is more than possible using a 150P.

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Another vote for the Heritage!


When I started observing again after a long hiatus a few years back, I wanted something easier to set up than my C8. I was going between the Heritage 100p, which I could have used on a photo tripod, or the Heritage. I'm glad I went with the Heritage.


Even from my heavily lit garden, I was seeing stuff I hadn't seen before. With a RACI finder added,  I love this little gem!

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20 hours ago, Louis D said:

Exactly.  When people say they want to do astrophotography, I always say even a dob coupled afocally to a camera can do a decent job on solar system targets.  If it has tracking (even alt-az), all the better.

AP can be done with just about any optical instrument (and any budget), be it a phone camera,point and shoot digicam,DSLR,CCD etc. You dont even have to attach them to a scope. It all depends on what your expectations are. 

My Canon 450D has never met my telescope(s). Any AP i have done in the past is simple widefield images of the night sky,with a camera mounted on my 8115 tripod.

Yrs ago, i even bought a universal digicam adapter. Never used it. 

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9 hours ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

AP can be done with just about any optical instrument (and any budget), be it a phone camera,point and shoot digicam,DSLR,CCD etc. You dont even have to attach them to a scope. It all depends on what your expectations are. 

My Canon 450D has never met my telescope(s). Any AP i have done in the past is simple widefield images of the night sky,with a camera mounted on my 8115 tripod.

Yrs ago, i even bought a universal digicam adapter. Never used it. 

That's my point.  Too often when a newbie says they'd like to dabble in astrophotography as well as visual, too many well meaning folks on here immediately jump to the conclusion they want to get into the expensive aspects of it when all they really meant was they'd like to snap a few pics to capture what they're seeing at the eypiece.  Often, these are solar system objects.  I think we need to ask these folks what their expectations are with regards to astrophotography prior to giving any equipment advice just like when we ask what their budget, weight, size, and other restrictions are.

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