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I hate .... I love


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I hate the necessity that are USB cables. I don't even mind hubs, but cables always seem to give me tempremental problems and they never seem to be the right length- grrrr.

However I love fuses. Managed to connect my rig to the 12V battery with reverse polarity. Heard the fuse on my distribution pannel pop - saved a lot of heartache and money. Just need to pop a new fuse in.

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8 minutes ago, AlistairW said:

 Just need to pop a new fuse in.

Oooophfff, sharp intake of breath ! I hope all goes well for you, it is not normally good practice to rely on fuses for this - semiconductors, chips etc are usually quicker acting fuses than is melting a wire or tripping a trip :(


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10 minutes ago, AlistairW said:

Just need to pop a new fuse in.

No, you need to reverse the polarity and pop a new fuse in!!!

I share your hatred of USBs but would rather generalize to say that I hate the use by astro manufacturers of cables and sockets intended to work on stationary desks in climate controlled offices. Cameras, guiders, focusers, filterwheels and mounts are moving appliances operating in outdoor conditions which include very low temperatures and high humidity. We need a new category of appropriate IT cable.


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The majority of usb issues lie with the contact surfaces of the connectors in my experience - the mechanical tolerances of usb are generally not good, regardless of how much you pay for the leads etc.

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