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Stacking software

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5 hours ago, Chriske said:

What would be the best stacking software.
I'm a newbie in this world, so any advice is welcome..

Thanks in advance..


Depends what you're stacking Chris, but one thing is for certain, you will not get a definitive answer here to "what is the best" as that is very much down to the individual.  If it's video, then I and some others use AS3! or Registax, and for images perhaps DDS (deep sky stacker).  There are many others with some using Registar (this should read Astroart as noted by Olly; I'd forgotten the name) etc.  The above 2 are free and pretty easy to use, so will get you going until you find your feet and have chance to trial some other options once you are used to the concept of stacking.

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For deep sky calibration and stacking I'm a great fan of AstroArt. Why?

1) It is incredibly fast, meaning you don't hesitate to try a change of parameters or routines to see which might be best.

2) It is beautifully laid out and easy to understand.

3) It supports all the useful stacking options including bad pixel mapping.

4) It has effective line and column repair functions and highly adjustable hot pixel filtratation.

5) It has an excellent suite of cosmetic repair tools including 'remove line' which saves satellited-abused subs.

6) It is very reasonably priced.

7) It doesn't try to second guess you. You make the decisions.

But there are plenty of other good ones.

Registar is not a calibration programme. It is used for combining mosaics or images from different setups, not stacking sub exposures.


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Nebulosity is great for the price but relies on user interactions for registration. Maxim DL is very good but is also very expensive. I find a good middle ground price wise is PixInsight, which although expensive is superb for registration and stacking - it also has many other (some quite unique) useful features for pre and post processing.

I haven't used AstroArt but as it's recommended by Olly I will be giving it a try!

Just my two cents 

Rich :icon_biggrin:

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Hey thanks  a lot guys,

As a matter of fact this is not for me I'm asking but for my friend Marc. He want to use it  for stacking pictures.
And indeed I shouldn't have asked for the best software, it was rather stupid of me, I should have asked for 'a good and (if possible) a powerful' one.


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