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Eyepieces for WO bino?


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Maybe this has been up before. But I do have the WO bino set with 1.6x barlow and two 20mm EP's. I'm using them in f/12 Achromatic doublets with the Baader T2 Zeiss prism diagonal.

Very happy overall, but sometimes I could wish for a little more magnification, other times a little less.  I will get a 2x barlow, but I also consider a pair of Televue 25mm Plössls. Would I be able to see any difference with the budget Plössls of similar design from TS, Maede 4000 series, Omegon, etc.? 

In the other end, I consider something around 15mm, such as the BST Starguider that have been well received for its good performance/cost ratio. Have anyone tried them in bino's?

Best Regards,


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I use the 2x nose piece from a Meade 140 APO 3 element 2x barlow (90s vintage) screwed into the filter thread of the binos to reach focus with about a 3x increase in power.  It is extremely sharp.  Used, they go for $40 to $50 here in the states.

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I use Televue Plossls and have pairs of 25mm, 20mm, 15mm, 11mm and 8mm. I find them excellent but in truth I'd say that for your scope and in BVs there's unlikely to be a big difference between them and others other than in build quality. I bought a new pair of Celestron OMNIs 12.5mm and they were very good but after one use the rubber eye cups split so I sent them back. I find  use 25mm and 20mm the most for solar (120ed and 100mm PST mod) with the others mainly used on the moon and double stars/planets. I use Baader Maxbrights and have found that I prefer and find it easier to change out pairs than mess about with GPCs/barlows to gain the magnifications I desire.

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I use a pair of zoom eyepieces for higher powers to avoid changing two eyepieces.  I use a pair of Celestron Zoom Eyepiece for Regal M2 Spotting Scopes with the eyecup screwed off to maximize eye relief for my eyeglasses.  Sheldon Faworski sells blem versions of them under the Olivon label for $65 shipped here in the states.  I don' t know if he ships overseas.  The only difference is the rubber grip which is nicer than the metal ribs and the magnifications are printed in reverse.

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3 hours ago, planetman83 said:

Nagler 16mm type 5 is a very good and very small and lightweight eyepiece. It's expensive though.

And tight on eye relief.  They are popular in binoviewers, though, because they are so compact.

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Thank you for all the input.

I think that I will slowly double up my collection of TV Delite's, as funds become available. I just tried my 11mm and 18,2mm Delite's in the WO bino, and from a comfort perspective it suited me very well. An expensive approach yes, but long term I think this is right for me.


Best Regards,


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