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led street lights are better for me


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14 minutes ago, Dave Lloyd said:

Our back garden is pretty dark anyway but the council replacing all local sodiums with leds has led to a step change in sky quality. Looking out of upstairs windows shows just how dark the area has become. 

To be honest before the scope arrived I thought my garden was dark, but when the  tree foliage had dropped, there's more sodium glare to contend with, so there was a no-win situation, sodium glare 365 nights and lighter  skies  during the Scottish  summer.
There's just one LED at the back that could still be an issue as its right at the end of a neighbours house two doors down, and the LED head has less reach over the pavement, with the LED much shorter, closer to the post it sits on, and  a single tree branch the only obstruction at present, but for now, in general, the back yard is noticeably darker. That single lamp could be  further obscured to prevent direct imaging with the eyes, with little or no worries regarding the glare of previous nights.

Just need this seasons weather and seeing to be better than the last three!

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I'm a little bit confused with Light pollution. In my village I too have noticed that it is darker now that we have LED lights as opposed to the orange glow of the old sodium lamps. 

From my back garden I can't see any LED lamps directly as my back garden faces the back gardens of another row of houses. But there is still light pollution - that sort of ambient glow, so I don't know what to do with regards to light pollution filters - 

Am I ok to buy light pollution filters even though they won't cut out LED lights (bearing in mind no LED lighting as said, can be seen directly) or would there be no point (ie. the ambient glow is now that of LED lighting) ? 


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7 hours ago, smr said:

 In my village I too have noticed that it is darker now that we have LED lights as opposed to the orange glow of the old sodium lamps. 

From my back garden I can't see any LED lamps directly But there is still light pollution - that sort of ambient glow, so I don't know what to do with regards to light pollution filters - 

Am I ok to buy light pollution filters even though they won't cut out LED lights (bearing in mind no LED lighting as said, can be seen directly) or would there be no point (ie. the ambient glow is now that of LED lighting) ? 


If you didn't use a filter before, I doubt buying one now will be of any benefit with regards to the newer LED's.
Without a doubt, moving the telescope to a darker site works wonders, but thats not always practical.

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