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Stuck Spacers?

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I have suffered, as I'm sure we all have, with the dreaded stuck Spacers. When I was in Spain last I came across these in the local supermarket, and what a find they turned out to be. Best £5 I've spent in a long time, and saved my bacon loads since, with no marks at all on the spacers. 

Don't know if they do them here, but they definitely work a treat. 


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I wonder if they are for opening jars or that sort of thing ?

I can see them being useful for the stuck spacer problem though - I've had that with my T2 spacers and it can be tricky to get a purchase on them :rolleyes2:

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3 minutes ago, John said:

I wonder if they are for opening jars or that sort of thing ?

I can see them being useful for the stuck spacer problem though - I've had that with my T2 spacers and it can be tricky to get a purchase on them :rolleyes2:

I think that's probably what they are for John, but I've never seen them all rubber and plastic like these. Nice thing is the rubber band seems to be reinforced, so doesn't stretch. 

The 2 came in a set, so work well together if you have 2 small items. 

I was well pleased with how they work. 

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I had the same problem with a spacer. Amazon do thin versions for removing stuck filters. I did have to use zip ties to get them really tight on the spacers to loosen then though,


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Top tip sir! I have a full set of these and can't do without them. I also have a pair of old heavy duty rubber gloves that are brilliant for stuck filters and spacers as well.

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13 hours ago, Merlin66 said:

BOA straps.....

I use a set of VERY heavy BOA for the PST mod...."

Yes Boa, couldn't remember the name.

Local shops only had the small yellow one, I got the objective off with it but it wouldn't shift the gold tube.


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I've found the larger ones in the UK and France. They are indeed intended to allow elderly people like me to open their morning jam!

The other way, which works for very thin spacers inaccessible to the Boas, is to bond thin rubber mats to a couple of pieces of ply. You put one side of the stuck pair face down on one mat then press the other mat down from above and rotate it.

If you have room you can anticipate the problem by drilling small holes on opposite sides of a spacer so it can be rotated by circlip/needle pliers, a purpose made tool or even just two nails held in a vice the right distance apart.


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