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Lunt White Light Solar Wedges - Question about UK Prices

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This is just a quick question to ask whether anyone knows why there is such a huge price difference between the Lunt 1.25" and 2.0" White Light Solar Wedges in the UK.

I'm thinking about getting one and the UK price of the 1.25" is quite reasonable at about 150 GBP, but the 2" version is massively more expensive at about 400 GBP.

Given that I'm using a 4" Frac at the moment and am likely to go larger in the future, I thought that I'd future proof myself with the 2" version, but can't believe the difference in price.

The weird thing is that on the Lunt website there is only a $70 difference between the two sizes with the 2" listed at $299 (approx 230 GBP), admittedly there would be VAT and import charges to add, but would that really take it to 400GBP?

Has anyone imported a 2" Lunt Solar wedge and if so did it prove more economical than buying in the UK after all duties had been paid?

This isn't intended as a rant about UK prices, just curiosity about the difference in price here compared to the manufacturers difference in list price in the US.


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i use the lunt 1.25 in all my fracs from 80mm f7 120mm f5 127mm f9.5, think you can have a inwards travel focusing problem with the 2inch ones on short fracs, mine gives me fantastic views and good images id deff recommend one. charl

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Here in the UK we must source Lunt through their appointed EU distributer. 

If we source them any other way we cannot offer a UK/EU warranty. 

We have done what we can, our prices (£146 for the 1.25" & £379 for the 2") are the lowest in the EU, at least they are as I type this post... 



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Hi Steve,

I wasn't having a go about your prices, yours are the best prices that I've found in the EU.

I was just amazed that there was such a marked difference between the prices of the two sizes in the UK compared to what is shown on the Lunt Website in the US.

I assume that the 2" is much less popular and hence the higher price as fewer are imported into the EU.

Edit: To be honest, I hadn't even thought about the warranty, I was just musing so thanks for flagging that.

Like I said I wasn't having a rant, I really was just curious.


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+1 the Baader at this price. You get a lovely click-lock and a potentially useful finder on the back of the wedge, and the views are superb. I haven't done side-by-side tests but the general impression I get from the Baader 2 inch versus Lunt 1.25 is that the Baader is that little bit better visually.

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To be clear, I would choose a Lunt for 1.25", fabulous value for money and great views, better than solar film.

I did a side by side of the Lunt 1.25" with the Baader CoolCeramic, and the Baader was definitely better, particularly at highnpower for resolving individual granulation cells, fab stuff.

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@Moonshane and @xtreemchaos its good to hear that the 1.25" is ok to use with the 120 and 127mm diameter tubes as I had only considered the 2" version due to the following statement on the Lunt website.

"Available in either a 2″ or 1.25″ model.  1.25″ is best for refractors 4″ and under, and the 2″ is best for refractors 6″ and under."

@Moonshane@Drop Of Sun and @Stu when I saw the price of the 2" Lunt, I did also look at the Baader Zeiss Coolceramic Wedge, so its good to get some feedback on that wedge as well.

As I'm just starting out with WL Solar, I'll think I'll probably stock to the 1.25" Lunt as it seems very good value for money, as @Stu has mentioned above and any way to keep costs down is a bonus with my significant other.  I'll see how I get on with it and if I find that I continue to do a significant amount of solar work then I'll then look into alternatives such as a better WL wedge or Ha setup.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, its good to get some opinions before I take the plunge.


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2 minutes ago, AdeKing said:

As I'm just starting out with WL Solar, I'll think I'll probably stock to the 1.25" Lunt as it seems very good value for money, as @Stu has mentioned above and any way to keep costs down is a bonus with my significant other.  I'll see how I get on with it and if I find that I continue to do a significant amount of solar work then I'll then look into alternatives such as a better WL wedge or Ha setup.

I think that is the best idea. If you go for the top straight away, you often don't appreciate the difference anyway. The 1.25" Lunt is a great product and will keep you happy for a good long time, it may even be all you ever want. It is only on the best days really that the Baader really stretches its legs.

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I saved a heap of cash by ordering from the USA, OptCorp and BH photo and video... I'm sure they'll deliver at a reasonable price to the UK... Imaagine getting items for the same number in dollars as in pounds.


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Just now, FLO said:

Is astro supply in Australia really that bad? 

Not any more, I'm talking quite a few years ago... In the last 2 years (give or take) the prices have become about the same as getting from the USA... to such a level that ordering from OS isn't worth the hassle any more... 

Back than it was very different.... for example I got the DMK41 from Opt for a delivered price of AUD$650 where the cheapest I found here was $1100.. same sort of price hikes existed for generally all astro accessories.

I think that the prices dropped substantially because too many people were ordering from OS.


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1 minute ago, FLO said:

Ah, that makes sense.

The same was true here in the UK, a few years ago :smile: 

Perhaps it was a world wide occurrence outside of USA... But with the internet, international shipping and eBay, overcharging for items (whether is astro or another field) couldn't survive. Sadly we did lose quite a few Astronomy shops in Australia, York Optical was a nice and convenient one in Sydney CBD, but honestly charging double the price for whats easily available online, and orders taking just as long to arrive ended up making York Optical basically a shop where people went to hands on try it out before going online to purchase.

Certainly a business has to make money, but there needs to be a fine line between too expensive and a price where the bit more cost but still makes a profit but doesn't push clients to the grey import market.

I still compare prices when I'm in the market for a new toy, as any normal person would... but my money stays in the local market... I don't mind if it is 5% or 10% more expensive... 


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30 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

Perhaps it was a world wide occurrence outside of USA... But with the internet, international shipping and eBay, overcharging for items (whether is astro or another field) couldn't survive. Sadly we did lose quite a few Astronomy shops in Australia

I am sorry to hear that, particularly as I suspect it might have been distributers who made it difficult for local shops to offer competitive prices. 

33 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

I still compare prices when I'm in the market for a new toy, as any normal person would... but my money stays in the local market... I don't mind if it is 5% or 10% more expensive... 

That is good to hear. There are often real-world reasons why the price in one country is higher/lower than another (i.e. economy of scale) but, unless the price difference is outlandish, it makes sense to support your local economy. 


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My 2p

I have the 1.25" lunt wedge and use it in a 120mm scope with no problems on most UK sunny days. I have used it on a really hot day on a tracking mount and the heat sink can get very hot. This I will note was during imaging and had I been visually observing I may have lost interest long before the heat sink had got so hot. I have also used it in a 102mm, 127mm scope and a 150mm scope. The wedge did get REAL hot in the 150mm but again it is worth mentioning that the views were not that incredible anyway. Many regard the UK to be less than ideal for solar observing and that 6" scopes are not going to offer a great deal of observing mileage over a smaller 4" scope. I have found that 100mm scopes and below offer by far more steady seeing and so more observational mileage than any other scope. The 120mm seems to be the happy medium between steady views and light grasp / resolution and I have never felt the need to try the wedge again in a larger scope.

If you did go with the 2" version you have to consider the cost of 2" continuum filters and possibly a polarizing filter to get the very best out of the HW. I agree with others that if you are splashing out £400 you should consider the Baader cool wedge but it is worth pointing out that Baader only rate them for use in up to 100mm scopes (unless advertising has changed?). Something else to bear in mind as the lunt 2" version is rated for 150mm.  I know others have used the baader above 100mm aperture so it's down to your own judgement.


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36 minutes ago, FLO said:

I am sorry to hear that, particularly as I suspect it might have been distributers who made it difficult for local shops to offer competitive prices. 

That is good to hear. There are often real-world reasons why the price in one country is higher/lower than another (i.e. economy of scale) but, unless the price difference is outlandish, it makes sense to support your local economy. 


Totally agree.


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@spaceboy thanks for the info on the Lunt and Baader wedges.  

Its unlikely that I'll ever be in the position to own a 150mm Frac unless a lottery win comes my way ;-) but I can see me upgrading to a 120 or 127mm Frac.  I don't anticipate using the setup for imaging as being a photographer and knowing how much I always want the latest cameras and lenses Astrophotography is a financial sinkhole that I'd quite like to avoid and have successfully avoided........well so far at least.

It would seem that the general consensus is that the 1.25" Lunt represents good value for money and is the way to go at this stage, so I'll take advantage of the experience offered here and go that route I think.  As I said earlier in the thread it was only the Lunt statement on their website that made me think about the 2" version in the first place.

The 1.25" Lunt is within easy financial reach and people rate it highly, so thats so much the better.

Thanks for your help and opinions everyone.


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