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Dave Moulton

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Hi Guys ,

The subs below were taken the other night using my SXVH9 through a Megrez 110 doublet

The first has glow to one side the other sub its missing.

I am running a heater band around the lens shroud which has no set point control ie it is just hard wired to a permanent supply so the heater is either on or off. The second sub was take with the heater off.

It looks exceedingly likely to me that the heater has a hot spot and that the camera has picked it up. It could however be a coincidence and there could be another reason. As this is only the second outing for me and the camera I was wondering if any of you guys have had the same problem




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It might be that the camera needs time to cool down the internals after switching it on and what you are seeing is the image from an uncooled camera. Try leaving the camera and heater band on and see what happens, then turn off the heater band and try again. This should pin down what is giving you the problem.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Can't say that I've met that one before, with my SXVF-H9C or it's predecessor (MX7C).

Both my ED80 and 12" LX200R have heater bands that are 'pulse fed' or fully on.

I've seen a similar effect, when I was using a filter-wheel (with a mono converted MX7C), but that was most definitely due to stray light getting into the wheel.


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Thanks guys ,

It looks as if its a light leak then. As it is only ever on the first sub it may well be a procedure problem on my part. I did wonder whether or not an over bright laptop screen could be to blame. I always tone it right down but not always straight away, usually only when I bet everything settled down, possible a few seconds after starting the cameras not sure. I think I will take more care with that one and see how it goes.



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What filter wheel have you got? My atik wheel is NOT a closed design and i have made an ugly but effective cover that I place over the opening via which you rotate the wheel. Having tested this, even in very low ambient light levels there was a clear difference with a glow at the edge of a sub as opposed to when the cover was in place.


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What filter wheel have you got? My atik wheel is NOT a closed design and i have made an ugly but effective cover that I place over the opening via which you rotate the wheel. Having tested this, even in very low ambient light levels there was a clear difference with a glow at the edge of a sub as opposed to when the cover was in place.


Good point, my filter wheel is a True tech wheel the manual version, seems ok I think.



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