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Stressed Out or Stress Doubt?

Stub Mandrel

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I'm starting to feel really nervous about my next session... I normally change on or two things, whether its exposure or a new piece of gear but on my next session I have a whole truckload of changes to adapt to.

Cold finger fitted so I need to get it working, together with setting a current for the warmer for the front glass.

Guiding - I need to make sure the camera works properly with PHD2 - so far I have managed to find a star but nothing else.

I have to hope the code to operate my GOTO unit will work!

I have to decide if I will be using my 7nm ha filter!

What could possibly go wrong...


Edited by Stub Mandrel
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34 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:



You forgot gale-force winds, hailstones the size of eggs, thunder, lightning, and freak tornadoes

I'm not a pessimist at all







1 hour ago, xtreemchaos said:

cloud ! :icon_biggrin:... charl.


1 hour ago, triton1 said:

And rain......⚡️


35 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:



You forgot gale-force winds, hailstones the size of eggs, thunder, lightning, and freak tornadoes

I'm not a pessimist at all






I'm thinking it'll be very clear, crystal transparency and seeing and everything will work beautifully, perfect exposures, perfect tracking... and as you think everything is nice and sweet, you go inside and let the gear do it's thing, just knowing that tonight will be your best image to date... you fall asleep, waking up to cloud, rain and the above mentioned to a drenched scope resembling more a aquarium than a telescope.... now I'm not a pessimist at all even more, michael.h.f.wilkinson.. he he


I think it'll be fine, perhaps a few teething issues, but fine and rewarding.


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1 hour ago, vlaiv said:

include all precautions to account for carving of Larsen C ice shelf that just happened ....

A trillion ton of fresh water fell into the sea, its got to have a affect, its staggering the size, very worrying. thanks for bringing it up. charl.

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19 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

A trillion ton of fresh water fell into the sea, its got to have a affect, its staggering the size, very worrying. thanks for bringing it up. charl.

Do you think it might have a effect on increasing or decreasing cloud cover?


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2 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

Well MG, More water means more vapour means more cloud, well be cooking in our own gravey soon enough :happy7:.. charl.

Hmm... we can never win... I guess if we even want to see endless clear nights, we have to sell our gear...

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11 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

My main setup hasn't changed in two years. What could go wrong next time out?



You're not wrong there - A perfectly working setup one night can turn into a total pig on the next night where things don't work etc yet NOTHING has been touched!!! It makes no sense

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9 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

You forgot gale-force winds, hailstones the size of eggs, thunder, lightning, and freak tornadoes

I misread that as freak tomatoes! I blame eating dinner and not paying enough attention :p

But if freak tomatoes really were a weather condition, you could guarantee that they'd happen during an imaging session

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7 minutes ago, Mognet said:

I misread that as freak tomatoes! I blame eating dinner and not paying enough attention :p

But if freak tomatoes really were a weather condition, you could guarantee that they'd happen during an imaging session

"Following last night's freak gusts can anyone suggest how to get tomato puree off my mirror..."

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7 minutes ago, AKB said:

This started years ago for me when I was cooking for a group of Dutch guests. I asked if they had any specific likes or dislikes and they said, 'We all hate tomatoes!' I looked a bit blank since hating tomatoes is unusual. With a grin one of them turned his PC towards me with a picture of a vivid orange glow above about 50 square miles of illuminated tomatoes...


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10 hours ago, ollypenrice said:


The tomato problem does exist in astronomy! Ask any of our Dutch members...


True. The blue dot is where I live. See what's due south of me?IMG_1638.thumb.PNG.dabfae794e4beef9e395cec8c0a0bfdc.PNG

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