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Amateur Astronomers Make First Sighting of 10th Planet


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A group of amateur astronomers has used the 2.1-meter (82-inch) Otto Struve Telescope at McDonald Observatory to make the first "through-the- Eyepiece" sighting of so-called the tenth planet, an object orbiting the Sun in the Kuiper Belt, far beyond Pluto. The group included members of the St. Louis and Rockland Astronomical Societies, and a few others.

The object, Berman says, "was a very dim, pointlike source that could only be seen through averted vision. If you looked straight at it, you'd never see it."

McDonald Observatory's Mace agrees. "It looked like a faint star," he said. "A little difficult to pick out against the field stars. It's not visually stunning."

However, Mace continued, "how many people on the planet have seen this? Pretty much just our group."


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