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Solar Probe.


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thanks John, its took a long time coming, but in my view it like sciences = to looking into the eyes of god, without getting too over dramatic, it will hopefully conferm what we know and show us much more that we don't. charl.

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14 hours ago, jACK101 said:

I believe they are sending it at night to get over the temperature problems.

The Irish did that already.  (sorry any irish folk-just a joke and you have my permission to send up an englishman).

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I'm just thinking it is either the Chuck Norris of space probes or, for the cycling initiated, the Jens Voigt of the space exploration community.

Like you charl, I can't wait to start seeing the product of this project.

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This announcement puzzled me, I'm sure I read about it in AN a few months ago. I suppose it's no puzzlement really, I take it this was just the big public reveal but those in the know get to know a while before hand while it's still in the early planning stages.

Either way this is going to be up there with the most exciting NASA missions for me 

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I can't resist re-telling this old chestnut:


"We are going to send men to land on the Sun!"

"But won't they burn-up?"

"Don't worry! They'll land at night."


I'll go back under my rock.....



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