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Sol HA bits 29-5-17 cloudy !


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Good catch Charl, not much chance here, cloud and rain on and off.

The good news is that my Quark is back in HMRC Coventry, this may not be such good news as it took weeks to get them to part with it last time and they're probably still sulking because they couldn't get any money out of me last time.

Fingers crossed it works this time.


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7 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

still got the flu,

Wish you better... Whisky is recommended... If it doesn't cure the flu it helps you forget you've got it :thumbsup:

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thanks Dave, thats good news mate, you will have it soon, it bound to be ok this time mate, id give them a call/email tomorrow just to wake them up a bit.

terrible weather here too, hope we get better soon. charl.

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thanks Racey, if only, I haven't had a drink for nearly 15 years, cant with the meds I'm on, I've a bottle of 30 year old scotch in the cubby and cant touch it, but I do get forgetful on the meds I'm on :happy7:. charl.

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Well done. Cloud and rain here all day, and no useful breaks yesterday either. I'm going back into hibernation again until the next decent spot or prom :happy10:


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thanks Iain, sure there will be some action soon mate, I can feel it in my bones :icon_biggrin:, ive nothing better to do mate and its not in range for me for long about 2 hours, so every morning I sit a the scope weather its cloudy or not, then go and save the world in VR for the rest of the day. hope you have some clear charl.

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