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Messier and NGC images for Astropedia


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I have been going through the picture of the week forum to see if we could transfer some of the images into Astropedia.

2008 images are OK but working backwards in 2007 I soon come across a small square box instead of the image. Is there any way of recovering these images for most of 2007 and perhaps 2006?

Also, is this something we should be doing i.e. trying to preserve these images, either on say a Messier page and/or giving them a page on their own?



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Dont think we can get those John , could ask Grant , but in the mean while do feel free to take images from POW , Martin and myself were going to do something along those lines, good idea to link an image to any info data you have there and nice to use SGL Images.


need to move this thread now ,as i dont want it to carry on in the POW SECTION ,


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