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D-Bot 3D Printer


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Four, a small Mendel, Wanhao i3, Prusa i3 Mk2 multi material & the Dbot.

If I want to go bigger, I'll think about the hang printer, but in some form of simple scalable enclosure.....

I also have 2 CNC machines - OpenBuilds mini mill & the mainly printed cnc (MPCNC)

next may be a lathe, as there are some designs knocking about, and with head stocks etc. currently becoming cheaper, its very tempting....

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I was looking at the hang printer - might have problems with the geometry though.  I think I might be able to work out the theory but how to incorporate it into the printer control I don't know.   I have an idea of how the geometry may be modified to Cartesian but this would be as complicated as building a true Cartesian printer though probably using less material.  I think a hang printer may only be really useful if it could be arranged with a large print bed and probably heated too.

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Back to the Duet.  Have crimp tool but the smallest slot is too big for the power ferrules - maybe try a blunt pair of wire cutters...  or not bother with ferrules the bed power is separate.

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That's what I usually do but the Duet wiki warns against that, saying the connections heat up and melt the solder.  But I've used that method for high current connections without any problem.  I'm running 15A with a 24V PSU on my Titan printer and with a separate bed heater feed on my Mini printer too, the Duet won't be taking that much current.  I guess they are thinking of cases with high current motors and bed heater supplied from the Duet.

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26 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

When I had issues on thr Prusa i3, with the bed connectors overheating & burning, on the recommendation of Prusa Research, I soldered the wires directly to the board with no further problems.....

Yes, I had to do that with one my Ramps boards as the terminals they fit are so poor.

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not that i actually need it, but i just got a precision piezo board and a few disks through the post today. did a temporary wiring up the the duet wifi  z-probe connector and it triggers properly when i tap the piezo. time to break out sketchup and redesign my extruder carriage. not too keen on the housing from the video as it adds a lot of extra length to the e3d mounting

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I thought they might go by the name.  Do you know how to change the MAC address?  The wiki doesn't seem to say.


On the Duet WiFi, the M540 command (set MAC address) has no effect.


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Found this :-


M589: Configure access point parameters

S"ccc" The SSID that the WiFi interface should use when it is commanded to run as an access point
P"ccc" The WiFi password
Inn.nn.nn.nn The IP address to use
Cnn The WiFi channel to use (optional)

That changes the IP address.  Am I wrong or is that sufficient?

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You do it in the config.g file. I does explain this on the configurator pages


M111 S0                             ; Debug off
M550 PMyCoreXY            ; Machine name (can be anything you like)
M551 Preprap                        ; Machine password (used for FTP connections)
M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xED ; MAC Address
;*** Adjust the IP address and gateway in the following 2 lines to suit your network
M552 P0.0.0.0      ; IP address (0 = use DHCP)
M554 P192.168.1.1                   ; Gateway
M553 P255.255.255.0                 ; Netmask
M555 P2                             ; Set output to look like Marlin
M575 P1 B57600 S1     ; Comms parameters for PanelDue


Edited by Dr_Ju_ju
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I think this may be it in the web configuration tool :-


M589: Configure access point parameters

S"ccc" The SSID that the WiFi interface should use when it is commanded to run as an access point
P"ccc" The WiFi password
Inn.nn.nn.nn The IP address to use
Cnn The WiFi channel to use (optional)

Regarding your last post Julian, the wiki says :-


On the Duet WiFi, the M540 command (set MAC address) has no effect.


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I can try changing the IP Address - that should enable me to run two or more Duets at the same time or I could join the Duet forum and ask.  Be a good idea to join the forum anyway.  Although one at a time is the most usual case, I have had two running at the same time in the past.

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If you use DHCP, and you've enabled\set the scope on your router large enough (by default they are usually set to the whole subnet, bad security :hmh:) then there should be no issues with multiple similar devices...

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Well found, Dave, thank you :)  Great - I would have been surprised if there wasn't a way to use two or more Duets at the same time on the same WLAN.  I can't be the only one to want that.

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