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Comet-fest in Hercules !!!


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Well ...... 2 comets anyway :rolleyes2:

Having a quick, cloud dodging session with the ED120 tonight. Clear gaps are short lived but I've managed nice views of Jupiter and over in Hercules managed to find Comets 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak and C/2015 V2 Johnson both in the same general area of the constellation, although a few nudges of the scope apart. 41P is a large diffuse mag 9.2 smudge (quite hard in 120mm) while V2 Johnson is a small but tighter and brighter elongated mag 7.8 patch of light.

Not often you get 2 brightish comets in the same constellation as far as I recall :icon_scratch:

Worth the hunt if you are out with a scope :icon_biggrin:

Cold though, compared with recent nights.

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We've been really spoiled for brightish comets to observe this year John -  and these two are well placed for a change. Some nice images of Johnson posted here, showing a good tail forming.

 Astronomical twilight is starting to kick in already in the north, so it's good to have some clear and dark skies to enjoy !



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Very nice report John.  I also had a go with my ED120. Eventually got V2 Johnston and as you say it was quite bright and distinct. Could not find 41p, but skies were not the best and possibly just not visible. It certainly was a cold night and I only lasted about an hour before retiring to the warmth and a glass of malt.

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