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Jupiter 11th April.


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Posting this with some hesitation as the other posts seem more like Nasa productions!

This is from my C8-N and with my Nikon D5000 balanced precariously on a 3x Barlow and me standing on one leg holding my breath.  Almost impossible to get focus, but once I did, I took 200 photos at ISO 2000 and shutter speed 1/250.  Aligned with Python's openCV and then stacked with a piece of custom code.


I think if I go through the images and delete the 50% worse than average it will probably improve.

Here it is with stacking re-run over a 3 minute timeframe to remove rotation effects and 'normalised', now you can see the red spot and it's definitely better than I could see through my eyepiece:


People with smaller telescopes and x2 Barlows have got better results.

I can only assume my focuser, which is a cheap single speed Celestron, should be a Dual speed Crayford (low profile, if possible).  So I'm going to be looking for one.




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