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Perseid's or something else?


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Last night was the clearest its been for weeks so i spent a good hour outside just randomly looking at stars. I set my scope up and had a look at what i believe to be the milky way (sorta faint long band pretty much above me at the moment). Now I only have a small scope so was just admiring the huge amount of stars when in my eyepiece I saw bright spec, star like, shoot across my field of view. Probably took half a second maybe less to go across my view.

Was it a Perseid's meteor?


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Sounds to me as if you caught a satellite in your scope as a meteor would've been a lot faster and out of your field of view in a fraction of a second. If you can remember the direction and time of your sighting you should be able to work out what satellite it was from the heavens above site.


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