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PK 164+31.1 - Planetary nebula in The Lynx


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PK (Perek-Kohoutek) 164+31.1 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Lynx.  It is also known as Jones-Emberson 1.  The nebula is some 1600 light years from us.

This is Ha plus LRGB captured over several nights from the DSW facility in New Mexico on the Tak 106/QSI683 rig 

  • Luminance: 18x900" bin 1x1
  • Red: 14x900" bin 1x1
  • Green: 17x900" bin 1x1
  • Blue: 16x900" bin 1x1
  • Ha 5nm: 13x1800" bin 1x1

Another object I think I will revisit in my Esprit 120.


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10 hours ago, LightBucket said:

So are these images not taken at your home obsy with your own kit, but a remote site set up...is it one of those imaging set ups you can hire online..?


I do have a home imaging observatory (two, in fact), but this is data from a remote hosting location in NM.  I have subscribed to one of the 'teams' for 12 months.  I get to choose targets (as does everone else on the team), but I get all data from that scope for the 12 months - so people get the data from 'my' target and I get the data from everyone else's target.  There are other remote operations that do allow you to 'rent' time on the scope - look for 'itelescope.net' (I think) - but I believe that the data that you get is exclusively yours (I could be wrong about that).  I haven't used them so cannot comment.

I was finding that I was not getting enough data to satisfy my hunger.  It is certainly a good way of getting data (which can be hard to come by in the UK even with a permanent set up) and therefore getting vital processing practice (reprocessing the same data again and again was become a little stale).  

There has, however, been a long discussion about this here: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/290262-uk-imaging-vs-remote-site/ which revealed that some folks take the view that what I am doing is 'not cricket' - even to the extent of calling it 'cheating' - https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/290262-uk-imaging-vs-remote-site/?do=findComment&comment=3183463

Perhaps 'my decadent sins will (indeed) reap discipline': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfYwnsMjPEs



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1 hour ago, gnomus said:


I do have a home imaging observatory (two, in fact),

--- Together with @MrsGnomus, or are these man-caves? :wink: (Wim)


some folks take the view that what I am doing is 'not cricket' - even to the extent of calling it 'cheating' -

--- definitely not cheating. 'short cut' perhaps, most likely 'common sense'. (Wim)



+ great image btw. Do you have access to longer fl optics in NM as well?

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13 minutes ago, wimvb said:

+ great image btw. Do you have access to longer fl optics in NM as well?

Thanks Wim.  There are longer focal length scope teams.  I'm just on the Tak 106 rig.

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Is that the Key hole nebula?  If not--looks like a key hole.  A faint [removed word] I bet.  Great processing.  The idea of getting more data is appealing--I did not know that you get all data for the scope for the month.  Depending on the cost, it sounds like a great way to process--lord knows practice can't hurt!  Because you get all data, you probably are not as upset when bad subs are identified, or bad calibration.  If you pay for only your subs, bad ones would mean allot more.



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Great image Steve!

Regarding DSW data: For all of us that are not retired persons with their own obsy on a desert mountain somewhere with eternal clear skies, I see sites like DSW as a really great option when you have this processing hunger like Steve (and I) have. I cannot see it as cheating. Rather the opposite. If you have your own obsy with your own data, you can always blame the sky and the equipment for imperfections. But if you are as brave as Steve is and post these DSW images, you cannot do that since a bunch of other AP nerds have the same data and can easily prove him wrong by posting much better versions of the same data (not that I have seen that done in Steve's case). If I go for DSW, that would be a slight worry, but not a big one since I am new to this game and have no pride yet.

Still, this makes me curious. Steve, it must be with some nervous anticipation that you look at astrobin and other sites to see what your fiends accomplished with the same data?

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Thanks chaps.  

8 hours ago, gorann said:

... Still, this makes me curious. Steve, it must be with some nervous anticipation that you look at astrobin and other sites to see what your fiends accomplished with the same data?


Yes.  This astrophotography business can be devilishly hard sometimes.

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I've always wanted to image this. It's a glorious object and you've done it proud here.

I also take a strange delight in the name, Jones Emberson One. That long first vowel in Jooooones. It puts a smile on my face. I should see a psychiatrist.


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2 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

... I should see a psychiatrist....

I wouldn't go near any one of those guys if I were you.

1 hour ago, LightBucket said:

It was only meant to be a joke when I said he was cheating.....lol

you guys can be so serious :):)

Don't worry - we know.  The chaps posting are veterans from the other thread.  Not 'serious', it's more that the humour is very 'dry' - which is just how I like it.

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