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apt pointcraft

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Hi All,


Sorry I feel stupid asking this but after scratching my head for so long I gave up. 

I can load up an existing image in apt and the run pointsove and this is fine and is solved in around 30 seconds. I can choose the co-ordinates with the cursor on the image.

What I am struggling with is how to I then get the mount to slew to this new position.

I had an image of the owl nebula and surfboard and when I ran this with the co-ordinates from the center of the image it just placed m97 in the centre of the fov.

If anyone can give me an idiots guide that would be really helpful. 

I am right in thinking that I should be able to load an image from the previous session and get the mount to slew to the same position using pointcraft..my head hurts.




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I did what you are wanting to do this last weekend...with ~3 months hiatus so it wasn't too painful to remember.

What i did was connect both the camera and mount to APT, I had previously synced the home position so the mount knew roughly where it was pointing. I then did a GOTO to M81. Then took a quick image and solved it (I chose blind solve but chose "<<Scope Pos" to give it a rough starting point). Once solved I synced the mount to where the mount was actually pointing.

After that I loaded up my previous M81 image into APT and did a blind solve on it (you can actually save the object and it's position for later use but I didn't bother). After the reference image has been solved you then select that as the new center FOV by clicking on the "<<Solved" button to transfer the coordinates of the reference image.

Then press GOTO++.

Well that is what I did and it got me to within 3 pixels after 1 iteration (as the mount had been previously synched).


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Thanks for all the info. I only discovered this part of apt the other night so I have not really had the time to work it all out. I have only just stripped down all my gear so once I have set it back up and have some spare time I will have another go.



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