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What if Warhol had shot the Seagull?


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In my last thread - https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/289225-last-seagull-we-promise-sho-hubble-palette/ - I said that there would be no more Seagull presentations.  I lied.  

All told, we ended up creating 4 separate images from the DSW Seagull data. This reminded @MrsGnomus somewhat of Andy Warhol's famous 'Marilyn' pictures. I know it's tacky, but I just couldn't help myself.

All told this is 33.2 hours of data shot through Astrodon Ha, OIII, SII, Lum, R, G, & B filters.

Clockwise from top left the palettes are: LRGB; SHO; HaOIIILRGB; and HOS.

I hope it tickles you as much as it did us.


Links to individual panels:

LRGB: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/288405-ic-2177-seagull-nebula-from-deep-sky-west/

SHO: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/289225-last-seagull-we-promise-sho-hubble-palette/

HaOIIILRGB: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/289160-ic-2177-seagull-nebula-now-with-ha-and-oiii/

CFHT:  I didn't post this on SGL for fear that people were getting a bit fed up of the Seagull: http://astrob.in/287783/0/


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Brilliant! And what a great idea to make a Warhol Diptych out of them! Thanks for posting, and very interesting to compare. Colour-wise LRGB of course wins in my mind - that is as close to real as we can get, but it is amazing how much more depth and detail comes out of SHO. I imagine that this is half the reason why the Hubble images have been such a success (the other half probably have to do with being outside the bloody atmosphere). For me the HaOIIILRGB is the looser in this instance and the stars look better in LRGB than in HOS.

By the way, this is what the seagull looked like two years after Warhol died in only Blue and Red (with synthetic green) from 1989 data that I processed from the old Kodak glass plates from the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey II:

POSS2 IC2177RB+SynGreenPS8sign.jpg

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