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I just LIKE our Avalon Linear...


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Well I do, I just like it. I've had the good fortune to get my hands on a second hand Mesu exactly like the one we already have here. Should be here next month. I really do need to generate some cash for it so I put up my Tak EM200 for a very tempting price and it went in three hours, with a second buyer in reserve. I explained to this chap that the Avalon would be for sale in a month or so but then I started to feel rather sorry for myself! I can't say I really want to sell it because it is such a nice mount. It just works. Electronics and handset are pure EQ6 but the rest is good Italian engineering. A mount that just works. Hmmm, does one sell such a thing? Loaded up with the long and heavy TEC140 it does lose subs in the wind sometimes, but with a more reasonable payload it wouldn't do that.

Damn, I don't need it but a mount that just works...

Oh dear... :BangHead:


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Keep it!! The reason I say that is that with it being SynScan that makes it much more reliable in my opinion..... So if you did sell and ever wanted to replace it you'd struggle..... You never know what's round the corner where you may find the Avalon fits the bill perfectly :)

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3 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Well I do, I just like it. I've had the good fortune to get my hands on a second hand Mesu exactly like the one we already have here. Should be here next month. I really do need to generate some cash for it so I put up my Tak EM200 for a very tempting price and it went in three hours, with a second buyer in reserve. I explained to this chap that the Avalon would be for sale in a month or so but then I started to feel rather sorry for myself! I can't say I really want to sell it because it is such a nice mount. It just works. Electronics and handset are pure EQ6 but the rest is good Italian engineering. A mount that just works. Hmmm, does one sell such a thing? Loaded up with the long and heavy TEC140 it does lose subs in the wind sometimes, but with a more reasonable payload it wouldn't do that.

Damn, I don't need it but a mount that just works...

Oh dear... :BangHead:


A mount that 'just works' is a keeper. You know that, even if deep down. :) Actually, I doubt that it is that far deep down.

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in my world - as new retiree, I can't afford to keep stuff that I don't need or won't use. I would be a bit heartless and say, if you don't need it, sell and use the cash to get something that you will use... I used to own a Tak TSA 120, beautiful views, but I sold it because it was only 120mm and I found I always used my C11 because it ate the TSA for breakfast visually..... It was a nice feeling owning a Tak, but I sold it to fund another daytime hobby...

Olly, you run a commercial operation, ask yourself, would a business keep an asset it doesn't need or that cannot generate income? If the Avalon can generate income keep it, if not sell it and use it to buy something that will.

Also, you bought another Mesu - why? Because it will generate income, and you've never lost a sub because of your other Mesu......

Ask the hard questions from a business point of view. I know this will be difficult beacause you are one of the fortunate few who have a business that is also something you love, but businesses are run on logic, not emotion......

just remember though, my free advice is worth what you've paid for it...


Gary (soon to be Mesu owner thanks to you!)

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On 12/03/2017 at 00:43, gazza said:


in my world - as new retiree, I can't afford to keep stuff that I don't need or won't use. I would be a bit heartless and say, if you don't need it, sell and use the cash to get something that you will use... I used to own a Tak TSA 120, beautiful views, but I sold it because it was only 120mm and I found I always used my C11 because it ate the TSA for breakfast visually..... It was a nice feeling owning a Tak, but I sold it to fund another daytime hobby...

Olly, you run a commercial operation, ask yourself, would a business keep an asset it doesn't need or that cannot generate income? If the Avalon can generate income keep it, if not sell it and use it to buy something that will.

Also, you bought another Mesu - why? Because it will generate income, and you've never lost a sub because of your other Mesu......

Ask the hard questions from a business point of view. I know this will be difficult beacause you are one of the fortunate few who have a business that is also something you love, but businesses are run on logic, not emotion......

just remember though, my free advice is worth what you've paid for it...


Gary (soon to be Mesu owner thanks to you!)

A great post! Thanks. There are ironies, though. The 'success ' of my business (inverted commas because I don't think Donald Trump would regard it as successful!) comes, I suspect, from the fact I don't run it like a business. 

Hmmm, can I part with this well thought out mount? To be seen.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just my opinion but if I were to visit you (which hopefully one day I will), I'd like to see something other than just the "big guns".

A nice range of kit available that mere mortals can afford is good to see, though to be honest I'd probably bring my own kit anyway.

I accept that the Avalon isn't a budget mount but something like a well looked after and well running NEQ6, which I think you have already got, would be spot on.

But I suppose if the Avalon Linear isn't being used then it is best to pass it on for someone else to enjoy.

I do think that if you ran your business as nothing but a business then things would be very different.

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