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I cam across this yesterday, you have probably seen something similar, but it's 7 minutes of utter fascination!

P: i posted it again in the astro lounge as i put it in the wrong lounge first time, and didn't know how to change it!


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Love videos like these! Hope you don't mind but knicking this to stick on my Facebook!

P.s also  love the fact that they used music that was in one of the episodes of Carl Sagens Cosmos! Can't remember which one if the to of my head but I will!

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Quite good :)

It is things like that makes one agree with Carl that " if there isnt other life out there then what a waste of space"

and if the boffins have got it right (with Dark Energy etc )  that it will all expand away into a vast cold dark nothingness what a shame that will be, because it is beautiful at this moment.


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2 hours ago, SilverAstro said:


and if the boffins have got it right (with Dark Energy etc )  that it will all expand away into a vast cold dark nothingness.


Well that has just got my Saturday night of to a fun start!!!!???

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