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Local astrometry.net "solve-field" - multicore...?


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I've just successfully "solved my first plate" locally - quite exciting the first time.

It failed on the first few attempts so I ran it through the online solver to give it low/high scale hints. It solved but took ages so looked at the online logs and saw "--downsample 2" so tried that. Much better - succeeds on first pass.


However, I've looked at the options, man page and searched online and found nothing - can it run multithreaded to take advantage of multiple cores? It looks like it's saturating just a single core and it would obviously be nice to be able to speed things up a little.

Does anyone know whether this can be configured?

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May need to delve into GCC's ARCH_FLAGS (see 'Optimizing...' section at http://astrometry.net/doc/readme.html) and enable during compile for your cpu architecture.


I can't find anything that says yay or nay either way in astrometry docs, and the source is a tad large to check by hand. May need to check compilation flags for dependencies also. Big job.

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When running it as a server, it multithreads simultaneous jobs across cpus... e.g.: separate instance of solve-field per core - 4 cores - will batch process the same image on 4 scales simultaneously. That's built in, somewhere... not looked into running beyond standalone yet.

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