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Bye bye Newton, don't ring me


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At last - today a chance to test the QHY 5-11m camera I swapped with Bern from Modern Astronomy at Kelling in October last year.

I had been plagued with Newtons rings and even a tilt adaptor at extreme angles wouldn't cure them. I tested a few from Bern and finally selected one that minimised the effect, but only today had a chance to test it - complete with my new Moonlite focuser for the LS50.

After a bit of messing I found the spot where the rings weren't, the whole disc was in focus and I was finally able to take a mono image of the sun's full disc. It's not a great image as I had the gain up too far so it was noisy, plus the thin cloud didn't help, but it shows that you can clear rings with mechanical means, so I'm very happy and looking forward to the new season. The colour is false - added in CS3 



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Thanks guys - I'm really looking forward to the next few months, once the sun gets a tad higher. It'll make up for the shorter hours of astronomical darkness?

I only really used the QHY5-11c last year for the solar images so the extra sensitivity looks like it could yield some improved results.

What camera are you using Ian? Have you tried a tilt adaptor?



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Hi Radec, yes a homemade one which worked perfectly for months, now not so! Still haven't quite worked out why. Here's a picture. It's set at around 3 degrees. Ah I just thought, perhaps the tilt is no longer lined up with the edge of the sensor. I'll try that and report back




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  • 1 month later...

Hi, sorry, I posted my update on another post. Yes! Aligning the tilt with the long side of the sensor cured it! I had a slight return of them yesterday but I think that's because there was a pull on the cables bending the mechanism. If the skies ever clear I'll put it to the test today. Regards, Iain

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