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PS3 Eye on an 8.5" dob


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After a quick sensor clean under my son's binocular microscope, using the burnished clean end of a match, I got a couple of dozen videos on the moon.

I still have trouble with processing because my dob doesn't track, so the moon drifts across the field of view and I have to set an AOI in PIPP, limit the number of frames and crop the output.

But it's fun enough. :icon_biggrin:




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On 11/01/2017 at 15:15, furrysocks2 said:

Couple of small images trying to frame a feature.

Hi fs
Very nice/interesting images with your PS3
I especially like your identification overlay. I have been doing similar with my humble little bridge camera on max zoom 18x, no telescope! and was looking at (and failing) the Sirsalis area

Wondered if you had seen this discussion about Sirsalis and its Rille :


It looks like you have also caught this elusive feature !



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Fairly well low down - 10 videos at 640x480 60fps, ~12500 frames in total.

AOI 508x319 giving ~3500 frames, AS!2 at 15pc, 1.5 drizzle, conv -> gimp unsharp mask, down-size to 512x320.


A bit too far, perhaps.


A little higher - 10 videos at 640x480 60fps. ~12500 frames in total.

AOI 240x384 giving 9300 frames, AS!2 at 10pc, 1.5 drizzle, conv -> gimp stretch, crop, unsharp mask, down-size 240x385

moonfri13 -2.png

This looks rather nice to me, for all that it is.


Before unsharp mask and down-size...

moonfri13 -2-full.png



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