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Red film ?

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9 minutes ago, Cornelius Varley said:

Something like this

+1 for this. They are rigid, stay in place, are clear and easy to read text through, and just do the job right.

Also, turn your brightness setting right down if you can.

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Your local art/stationary shop may have red acetate sheeting, the more layers, the darker the tint !

I also read the other day about some software, think its called Flux! it reduced the blue/white light  produced by the screen  somewhat, though  not sure if it provides any red filtering?

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With my smartphone and SkySafari 5 Pro, I use the light shield "Red Eyes Cling Xtra Dark" (Xtra Dark is important!) from www.siriusastroproducts.com

It comes in various sizes, is  soft, flexible and it really clings to the surface of my smartphone only by adhesion, yet can easily be removed without residues. It's so dark, that the background LED lighting is completely dimmed away. When you get notifications, or enter figures in SkySafari, you will not lose your dark adaption any more.

Add a free software as ScreenDim Full, an all problems are sorted.

I got this hint from a thread in Cloudy Nights forum a few months ago, and can really recommend this product (no affiliation of course).


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