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Thanks a lot HDC!

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After spending the last whole year switching off the street lights (on minor roads) the local council have decided to keep them on!

Too many expletives for a forum later! Thanks HDC! Thanks a lot!

It was partially due to your lights off money saving/ darkness preserving policy in Huntingdonshire that I bought a telescope in the first place!

Now you want to illuminate my front and back gardens with your  super bright white light street lamps!  Brilliant!

I have spent the last year gazing with awe and wonder using nothing but my eyes and a pair of cheap binos under the beautiful darkened skies of Huntingdonshire. Inspiring me to go out and buy a telescope! And within a week of buying you switch the lights back on!

Nice one! and THANKS for THAT!  



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It may be a policy change for the Christmas to New Year period, also occasionally the one opposite me remains on, then the next night, sometimes a couple later, it goes off. Whatever controlls them is not it would seem 100%. So it may be at fault at present as it is not going off.

Mine was a lot better when it broke for about 3 weeks before someone decided to repair it. Amazing how long it takes to register that it is "dark" out there and it is only 8:00pm. Also takes 2 nights to start to get the idea that maybe the thing is broke.

The other option is simply to ask them, and suggest that if they could would they considier switching it off as it has been previously. You could jokingly ask if they would do it earlier (you never know).

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