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A bunch of Southern hemisphere beauty


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Hello !

I'm all new to this forum, I introduce myself a while ago but never did any topic. Sorry if there's some mistakes, English isn't my first language. :grin:

So, I've been in the Southern Hemisphere for 3 months, at La Reunion, a french island near the East coast of Africa. I would say it's the French Hawaii except you can't go any higher that 2200m high with a car. It's already enough to be higher than most moister/clouds/dust, so that's perfect !

During these 3 months I've been imaging at least 40 hours I would say, On a bunch of different things, more or less of the Southern Hemisphere.

Everything was taken on an EQ3-2, The quality if very varying, I mean you know, no Polaris so at first it was bit of a pain in the a** to align nicely the mount, so the stars might not be very round, sorry !

I can't remember how many pictures I took, so I would say I might be off by a few shoots in a very few cases.

it was all taken with two D90 with two 85mm F1.4, close at F4 except a few picture like the first one.

Eta carinae, 500mm samyang F6.3, 40x 1min30

Centaurus, 85mm ,40x 4min

The witch head nebula  105x6min, 85mm F/4

Large Magellanic cloud, 60x 6min and 10x15min

Large Magellanic cloud , 180mm, 30x2min


Sagittarius , 60x 6min , 85mm f4


Orion , 130x6min, 85mm F4


Little Magellanic cloud  ,80x6min


Little Magellanic cloud 180mm,  2min x30

Pleaides, california nebula, 50x5min


Rho Ophiuchi, 100x6min, 85mm F/4


and with a 180mm 30x 2min


Rosette nebula , 20x6min

Sobieski, 20x5min


Near Sagittarius 20x3min, 85mm


Tucan cluster,  500m f6.3 , 20x1min


Milky way, 24mm, 10x 5min


Worst one, 60x4min, too bad I was stupid enough to not go below 4min ..


Setting of rho ophiuchi on a sea of clouds, nikon D600, 105mm 1.8


A panorama, nikon D600
Myself having fun ! NIKON D600
I hope you like it ! have a nice day ! :)
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Great collection. How much did you process these images? Or are the skies this clear and dark, where you are?

40 hours in 3 months you say. Up here the average seems to be the opposite. (Well, maybe not that bad, but it seems that way.)

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Thanks ! :)

The sky is wonderful there, the place is called the Maido, probably the best astronomic spot ever view wise ! there's light pollution, but I was able to see stars up to the 6th magnitude, no problem to see the zodiacal light.

I didn't count, maybe it's less than 40 hours, but just with the witch head nebulae, Orion, and Rho Ophiuchi I'm already at more than 30 hours. " Up here the average seems to be the opposite. (Well, maybe not that bad, but it seems that way.) " I don't understand what you mean ? sorry

Not my picture but here's the view, the cliff is 1000 meters/ 3200 feet high :



Here's a raw file of Orion and of the last picture to give you an idea, the sky when looking at the west is worse than looking at the east :

_DSC7237 en tant qu'objet dynamique - 1.jpg


s_DSC0033s en tant qu'objet dynamique - 1.jpg

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27 minutes ago, Klape said:

" Up here the average seems to be the opposite. (Well, maybe not that bad, but it seems that way.) " I don't understand what you mean ? sorry



3 hours in 40 months. It isn't that bad, really, but sometimes it seems that way. There certainly is a reason for why some members here move their gear abroad, or join remote sites.

The scenery in your image is great, by the way.

Thanks for sharing

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Oh yeah, 40 hours in a city or at 2200m on an island will definitively not give you the same thing, I had the chance to have to drive only 1 hours to arrive up there, the way back was still quite hard at 3AM after 6 hours of doing almost nothing. I did it at least 20 times during those 3 months, the rest of the time, I was exploring the Island, the sky is definitively not the only wonderful thing there ! One hour there will give you amazing result, with 6 hours you'll probably won't be able to match the picture in a city.

Now I'm back to my sad sky of half a million of people, and I will do no more astrophotography until I'm back in Corsica, in more than Half a year.

Thanks again !

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