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Going shopping..... Finally

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So on Wednesday could. I guess, I'm off to Rother Valley Optics. 

I shall (to start with) be purchasing a:-  Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro GOTO Mount & Tripod, and a Skywatcher Evostar 80 ED DS Pro Optical Tube Assembly. 

I will as we enter 2017 start out into Astrophotography. So obviously, I will need a camera, the Canon 450d, and t-adaptor etc. Then I assume a field flattener, a reducer. Various rgb filters, tracking camera, (I have a laptop for connecting to this), 

For now though, I'll just get my first 2 items for back garden use. Will be advisable to buy a light pollution filter, and a reducer straight away? Oh and a Lunar filter too. 

Feel free (that's the purpose of my thread) to give your very valued input on what else I will need as my funds are saved. 

Surely though, for now, just the scope and mount etc will allow me to start observing and spotting some great sights. 

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....I kind of wondered, as your list above appears to be sourced from  knowledge/experience?
Its also the reason I have thought about an ED80 myself,  proof in the pudding as they say, once you've read the book!
There's a link in the book for any  updates that Steve produces, as / when. 

Oh-well! as you have most things sorted, does the good lady share the interest, Binoculars for her and a good designer handbag to carry them, she keeps the bag, you claim the bins when their not needed :icon_biggrin:


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I didn't realise I don't need the filters if I use a Canon 450d :-) bonus! 

As for the missus being interested, she's getting there. I have some bins, just 10x50s. I've  shown her stuff, got the "wow, amazing" reply. She's even Googling stuff about space off her own back. She quite happily sits watching copious amounts of space stuff via YouTube with me, and actually seems genuinely interested herself :-) 

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Personally I wouldn't bother with the Moon or LP filters to start with.

Some people are bothered by the glare of the Moon, others it seems much less so. The brightness of the Moon depends on its phase, the telescope's aperture and the magnification. First try putting a sunglasses lens over the EP, and if the difference helps then buy one. Get one with a metal ring - the cheapos with plastic soon get their thread worn out. Two other more expensive options for the longer term are a polarising fiter which will allow you to adjust the density, and the Baader Neodymium filter which is very useful for other planetary applications as well: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/light-pollution-reduction/baader-neodymium-filter.html

Sadly LP filters aren't the great remedy for light pollution. They help to an extent with streetlighting from traditional sodium lamps, but not other wavelengths of light such as LED - so check your local conditions first, and don't expect marvels.


3 minutes ago, Charic said:

Oh-well! as you have most things sorted, does the good lady share the interest, Binoculars for her and a good designer handbag to carry them, she keeps the bag, you claim the bins when their not needed :icon_biggrin:

Bought myself a nice new pair of bins last year to upgrade an older pair I'd had for about twenty years. Generally my wife has no interest in my toys - but now if I want to recover my binoculars I'm going to have to pry them from her cold, dead hands:happy7:

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1 hour ago, Putaendo Patrick said:

 I think the phrase was coined by the National Rifle Association against any infringement on the "right to bear arms" in the US, but now is widely used to mean a person will resist any attempt to take something away :icon_biggrin:

It was Charlton Heston's delivery of the line, 'from my cold, dead hand', on behalf of the NRA and gun ownership in general, that took it into general parlance.

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1 hour ago, TheShape said:

So on Wednesday could. I guess, I'm off to Rother Valley Optics. 

I shall (to start with) be purchasing a:-  Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro GOTO Mount & Tripod, and a Skywatcher Evostar 80 ED DS Pro Optical Tube Assembly. 

Great place rother valley optics

Adam or Ian will see you right got both my scopes from there great service

hope to go there Monday to get a RC car

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1 hour ago, Astro Imp said:

You obviously know what you need, hope you have some cash left for a reliable power supply,

Good luck and enjoy your visit to RVO, I always enjoy my visits.

Hi Astro Imp, I kind of know, purely because of this forum and the book mentioned earlier :-)

For now, the mount will be powered from inside the house, until I can afford the camera, tracking camera, and said power source. I'm really looking forward to it, thanks :-)

PS it says you are 'south of lincoln', just wondered how south, cant be too far from sunny ode newark :-)

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4 hours ago, TheShape said:

Hi Astro Imp, I kind of know, purely because of this forum and the book mentioned earlier :-)

For now, the mount will be powered from inside the house, until I can afford the camera, tracking camera, and said power source. I'm really looking forward to it, thanks :-)

PS it says you are 'south of lincoln', just wondered how south, cant be too far from sunny ode newark :-)

Just off the A17 between Sleaford and Swineshead.

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