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M33 with 10" Quattro and Atik 383L


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A very nice M33 with tons of detail! As a personal taste thing I´d run it through HLVG or SCNR to bring the green cast down and beef up the contrast a bit. Played with your image that way in Photoshop and an already good image got even better. In my taste, that is. If you don´t mind, I´ll post my suggested edits. If you do mind, I´m sorry :)

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Thanks Martin, I like the way that you have managed to get more detail out of the core of the galaxy.

Mine is a combined Pixinsight/Photoshop effort.

Post processing in Pixinsight 

Dynamic cropped all frames.

Master L frame=-BackgroundModelization-Deconvolution-Multiscale Transform and applied the automatic stretch.

Master RGB=Channel combination-BackgroundModelization-BackgroundNeutralization-ColorCalibration-MultiscaleTransformation-Automatic stretch.

I combined the L to the RGB.

I then finished off in Photoshop


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7 hours ago, Singlin said:

I used to like a dark background untill I got a B---ing from Olly for clipping the dark too much, I will see if that happens again :icon_biggrin:



Heheh! I instantly thought the black point was too high in the first one. This is much more contrasty, I think, but not at all black clipped. I just use the Ps eyedropper set to Colour Sampler and put a few 3X3 sample points on the background. I always feel that 23/23/23 suits my taste but that's only me, and in very high dynamic range images (ones with very faint nebulosity) I let the background sink below that to help show the fant stuff. It's only a personal thing, anyway.

You've a bit of a red glow in the lower right. You could nail this in Curves by working on the relevant channels.

And after all that guff I'll come to the point and congratulate you on a cracking M33! :icon_salut:


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Thanks for your example on setting the black point Olly.

The dark skies here make me look better at imaging than I really am.

I am like most of us normal mortals here in that I understand abour 3/4 of the advice given and apply about half of it.

Semi improvised more than  learned purpose.:icon_biggrin:

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13 hours ago, Singlin said:

" nail this in Curves by working on the relevant channels. "

Could you elaborate?





Open each channel to see which one has most of the glow in the lower right. I think it'll be red. In Cuves make a copy layer and work on the bottom one. Pin the background on a healthy part where the red is nice and even. (Alt Click with the cursor on a good bit.) Put a fixing point below that on the curve. Now just pull the curve down immediately above your first point until the bright part of the background is uniform. Restore the curve higher up so as not to pull down any stars. Make the top layer active and erase only what you need to to fix the background.


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Thanks Martin.

In the Pixinsight book I have only looked at non linea processing.

I carried on thereafter in photoshop.

I will use these subs as my study workflow in future chapters of the Pixinsight book.

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5 hours ago, Singlin said:

Thanks Olly.

At the end of the season when their is a full moon I will try and book a few days with you to further my processing skills.

Swap you for a day or two in the mountains of Italy? It would be nice to meet up.


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No problem Olly.

Feb and March we are full.

We have space just after New year.

In Aprill we have a couple of rooms left-

Let me know it would be great.

I find it difficult to get away.

Our winter ski lifts open from mid October to the first of May, which means that I can't move during this period.

We have plenty of space in July and at the beginning of August.

The time I can get away is at the beginning of May and at the beginning of October.

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