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M42 Orion nebula


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Had a short but nice session a couple of weeks ago when M42 popped up over the house at around 10pm. I was very very yawny so i only got a little over 90 minutes before i had to go sideways.  My images are a little soft and i suspect i haven't nailed collimation and focus yet, but i'm learning a little every time i'm out there. I have only been doing planetary with my SCT 9,25 earlier, but this september i got my SW 150pds and a Baader modded Canon 700D and it was finally time to try the faint stuff. 

This one is probably my best one so far.
It was the first time i tried guiding, and the graph in phd2 wasn't that great, but I'm surprised how much i gout out of it with 90 minutes. I live in a pretty dark location here in southern Sweden luckily. 
Lights are 5, 3 and 1 minute exposures together with darks bias and the good ol t'shirt flats which i processed in Pixinsight.


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