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EQ8 Polar alignment


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Hi guys

Im very near to pressing the button on an EQ8 but would like to know how accurate the hand control polar alignment is, or should I need to purchase the optional polar scope as well!

I would appreciate any feedback on this subject from you guys using this mount!

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44 minutes ago, jambouk said:

If done correctly, and maybe done a few times, the handset routine will be more accurate than your eye and a polar scope.


Cheers James

Don't think I will bother with the polar scope on that note then, Thanks!

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35 minutes ago, VilleM said:

If you have guider use PHD2 for PA. Its very accurate.


Cheers for the info, high res planetary imaging is my prime aim so will not be guiding, payload is the main reason for purchase, as at nearly 23kg im very near the limits of my present mount!

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What is the current mount? What constitutes the 23kg - have you weighed it? If it's well balanced, is there an issue for your planetary imaging? Is there a way to redue the weight a bit and just stick with your current mount? I wonder if there is a compromise to save you £3000. 

A couple of runs of the handset routine will get the polar alignment plenty tight enough for your long focal length planetary imaging. Nothing worse than loosing a planet off the sensor when the effective focal length of 10m. 


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4 hours ago, jambouk said:

What is the current mount? What constitutes the 23kg - have you weighed it? If it's well balanced, is there an issue for your planetary imaging? Is there a way to redue the weight a bit and just stick with your current mount? I wonder if there is a compromise to save you £3000. 

A couple of runs of the handset routine will get the polar alignment plenty tight enough for your long focal length planetary imaging. Nothing worse than loosing a planet off the sensor when the effective focal length of 10m. 


Hi James

Im using a meade 305 sct  with finder focuser telextender efw & camera on an neq6,just over 20kgs not the 23kg a mistake in my last post, its always well balanced, this my imaging set up bare minimum!

I only need the mount head as im already using a starbase so a slight reduction in that price OWCH! your feedback is appreciated!



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To be honest I'd seriously consider sticking with the NEQ6 and keeping the kit well balanced and save yourself £2600 or whatever. Spend it on a better planetary camera or a ADC or something and a holiday!

just a thought.


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