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Off to try see tbe Nothern Lights again


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Well I'm off again soon to Norway to try my luck once more. Upgaded to a Canon 6D from my 600D. That was the easy part -it only took about 6 months of weighing up pros and cons of going full frame and rhen, having decided to make the leap, finding a nice 2nd hand one at a goid price ?

Now for the hard part. The lens decision. Loved my crop seneor tokina 11-16 f2.8, but  not getting the same sense from reviews that an equivalent tokina ff is that good. Tamron 15-30 f/2.8 seems to get better write ups, but sonething not doing it for me.

Come good people and tell me what ff kens' have  actually worked  for you , and still not left you eating baked beams for a year.


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