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ISS transiting Supermoon 14.November 2016 04:25:40 MEZ


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since quite some time I wanted to image a ISS moon transit. After my successfull double ISS solar transit I tought that could be another nice "thing to have".

After all the fuzz about the super moon I decided "I need no sleep!". Since my Mak127 with my Nikon5100 is barely able to frame a "normal" moon, and not able to get a full moon on video, I used a Vivitar Series 1 Zoom adapted to my ZWO ASI 120MC on my NexStar SLT. That left me with quite some low resolution but I tried anyways.

The night was very clear, there was just one thing which worried me. The big walnut tree could be in the way... I tried to measure and plann with stellarium and came to the conclusion that it would work from my terrace, sitting in the warm house imaging. First I wanted to image from a window in the first floor but that would have meant very bad air or let the room cool out heavyly. I took some nice shots around midnight and again slewed the scope to the expected position, just above the walnut tree.


So I sleeped a bit and started to align the scope again at 4:00 MEZ, the transit was expected at 4:25:40. The moon was high enough still and I was quite sure it would work out. At 4:20 there was suddenly some strange shadows, then a trunk started to "move in", dang not enough time to pack the telescope and move to the garden. I hoped that I could make it to a gap in the tree in 5 minutes, but no.... So I ended up with a successfull imaged transit but having some shadows. I get now the chainsaw... ;-)


Spot the ISS close to the center.

The incredible 58fps of the ASI produces nearky a continous line of ISS outlines:


So now I am tired but the outcome was despite my error quite ok. Just preparing a video showing the realtime transit.



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