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Couple videos from last night.


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Couple videos into images with ZWO ASI 120mm on ES 152mm.  Red filter with and without Televue 2.5 x barlow.  One minute each into pip - as2 - PS (Grayscale).  Not best conditions with everyone burning leaves, but came out pretty ok.


Happy super duper moon !





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1 hour ago, Debo said:

Great images ML.  I've never used a red filter for lunar imaging, what do you think are the advantages/benefits ?


I think it is that the longer wavelength of light helps negate variability in the seeing conditions.  Also, he may be imaging with an achro so there may be CA.

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29 minutes ago, Debo said:

Great images ML.  I've never used a red filter for lunar imaging, what do you think are the advantages/benefits ?


I shot red, green and blue to combine into the color image below but something went wrong, really ugly, rainbow in middle, since red was best just worked with it best I could.  I did take a one min vid with LP filter and going to process tonight, see how that turned out.  Any lunar filter recommendations let me know, relatively new to lunar close ups. 

3ChannelsCombined - Copy.jpg

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