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any recommendations for all sky camera or setup

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hi just wondered if anyone could recommend a set up for an all sky camera ,seen loads about but nothing that sticks out,got a nikon fit  14mm samyang f2.8 lens,but would this be of any use and what with,any suggestions welcome as always

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Most people use small-sensor cameras: QHY5/Altair GPCAM type, or if you wanted to spend more, a larger sensor (and resolution) ASI178 is very good. The lens needs to match the sensor size and its focal length would also depend on the FOV you want. If you really want 'All Sky' then you would be looking at something like a 1.5mm f/l fish-eye (1/3" format CS-Mount) for the QHY5 type camera, or 2.1mm-2.5mm f/l (1/2" format C-Mount) for the ASI178. The 14mm Samyang you say you have is for larger format (35mm) cameras so will show only a small section of the sky if fitted to a smaller sensor camera (the image quality is good though, I tried my 10-20mm Sigma Zoom using a C-mount adapter with the ASI178 but the FOV was too small).


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I've seen guys go to the garden center and get silver mirrored gazing balls. they point their cameras at gazing ball that gives them a view of a pretty big portion of the sky. I would imagine it might be a mirrored image


Brian K9WIS

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