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Journal App

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We are extremely new to star  gazing.  We just bought a Meade ETX 60 for $15, and it works.

Is there an app for Android you could recommend to track our sightings .  we'really into birdwatching , so I'm looking for something similar .  To track the what, when, where, and so on we saw something.


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Sort of unable to help. Apps for recording an evenings viewing do exist but not in significant amounts. Additionally I suspect that many scribble notes in a simple paper book. It is a lot easier and some people make a small sketch. I have an Android tablet, Nexus and very nice but I have the idea that entering information in would take several times longer then the observing. Personally I cannot envisage myself making notes in a book and transferring them to a tablet. I do not make note either. I record nothing.

I am not a fan of tablets, smartphones or apps. Walked through Cambridge last week and was shaking my head at the vast number of people head down looking into a phone. At one bus stop all 7 were oblivious to the world. That included the approaching bus as well for them to get back to the Madingly P&R. If I did recoed anything I suspect I am most likely to use a notebook and a simple Windows program.

You (can) may have to search the forum here as I do recall at least 2 people writing an app to record an evenings observing - check the Software section. Also sure I have seen a few mentioned as obtainable from (I assume) google playstore or similar. My experience of the playstore is that finding "uncommon" items can be ardious.

At a gues/estimate I think I have seen something like 5 or 6 either developed or talked or advertised specifically for recording observations.

I do have the idea that really to make it easy an app needs voice activation and recognition. As in: New Observation, Name - Messier 42, Date - dd:mm:yy (Better in yy:mm:dd I suppose) etc. At each "command" the voide recognition kicks in and translates voice to text. One half way option this gives is to get a small digital voice recorder, record the observations performed then copy to a tablet or book.

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Take a look at Sky Safari 5 (standard or plus) edition.  It has user created observation list function, and will also tell you a lot about the objects you are looking at.  I think its the best software out there for night sky observing and info.  http://skysafariastronomy.com/  i think you will change your mind about using a phone or tablet for astronomy when you see what it can do.  Rmember to use the 'night mode' to preserve your vision at night btw.

Also take a look at http://www.astronomylogs.com/  this has some printable log and drawing sheets, albeit formatted for US letter size paper.



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2 minutes ago, michaelmorris said:

One problem with phone-based observing recording is that you risk wrecking your night vision every time you use it. A paper note book, using a dim deep red torch is far better.

I use an app called "Twilight" ...it dims the screen and turns it red - and you can adjust the intensity :-)


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Dont be put off skysafari, night mode, or even red plastic sheet stuck on with double sided tape from eBay @£2.99 is fine for your night vision.  For the novice, there are often 'too many' stars in the sky, you really only want the brighter ones to get oriented and find some of the bigger things, and its more useful and entertaining to know what you are looking at/for than lose interest because you didn't find what you expected.  I actually use both skysafari and a written journal now, time is precious, so its good to recall what you saw and comment on what worked/didnt.  pick up a book like '50 objects to see with a small  telescope', they are good at helping the beginner also

Next step for me is the wireless dongle for skysafari, then the app will drive the goto to the object

I was exactly where you are, one year ago..

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