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hd security camera for viewing sky???

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hi all a bit off topic really but just wondered what people thought about using a hd security camera to observe the sky in general and maybe catch a few meteors etc,inspired by martins  sale of a qhy5 mono camera in the adverts and the image he has included ,i have three cameras on my 4 security set up and just wondered if a fourth pointing to the sky would work and what focal length would be best,i know its mad but hay ho,unfortunately i cant get to the cameras to try

heres a link to martins sale image        


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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried this without success having read the same suggestion elsewhere. I saw a wonderfully woven cobweb until 60% of the effective aperture was obscured by a captured bug. But as regards seeing stars or meteors no joy.

I reckon the preset focal length is such that CCTV is not designed to accurately "see" much more than perhaps 50 feet.  After all, unless additionally  illuminated any burglars in black will be invisible much beyond that. Then in urban light polluted skies, the apparent distance between visible stars is huge for such a limited light gathering instrument. Even if you do hit a star, I suspect it would offer no more than a hazy light. But when pointed skywards, my experience confirms you will collect a nice puddle of dew, rain and assorted bugs. The latter can be fascinating.

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Some security cams will let you switch lenses. If that is possible with yours, then it should be possible to convert to either an all sky camera or to use as prime focus camera (no lens). I suspect that the standard lens on a security camera is of too low quality for any decent sky imaging. My guess is that it depends on make and model.

I've read somewhere that the main application for SONY xmore sensors (like those in ZWO cameras) is in security cameras.


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Detailed sky imaging with security cameras is limited, but they can useful especially for meteor observation. The Croatian Meteor Network is quite a successful project. See the bottom of this page for some technical information: http://cmn.rgn.hr/about/about.html

Might be worth looking at the links page too for similar projects in other countries. Another solution is provided by Robert Cobain: http://www.niaas.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=69:setting-up-a-meteor-observing-station-by-robert-cobain-&catid=10:equipment-reviews&Itemid=16

and K. Fisher at: http://fisherka.csolutionshosting.net/astronote/atm/mcm3/mcm3.html

Interesting stuff - I might just get round to it one day!

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