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Vesta Pro (PCVC680K) - any use to anybody?


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I've been registered with the forum for years. but this is actually my first post.

I've recently started playing with my astronomy kit again, and found a box of toys, including:

A Phillips Vesta Pro (PCVC680K), which has had the astro conversion done on it (parallel cable/switch for long exposure?)
A Phillips TouCam (I think)

Neither of these are of any interest to me (although I remember chasing down the converted camera, having decided it was outside my ability to do). I did test them out, and they do not work with any computer I have (universally Windows 10), which came as no surprise to me.

But before I put them in the bin (!!!!!!), I thought I would check here. There is mention on the forums as recent as 2015, and indications that they may still work with Linux. So are these of any iuse to anybody? I don't want anything for them, it will simply be nice to know they aren't being wasted.

I'm really only interested in posting them within the UK, although I might consider the rest of Europe. Certainly, anyone in the UK wanting them will have priority.

Finally, I would ask of anybody wanting these relics - please do not get excited, until you have them in your hands, and tested them with your kit. They have been in a box in my garage for *cough* years, and I have no idea if them not working is simply because of the Windows 10 thing (as I suspect), or whether they are just buggered - they certainly once worked. They are free, so no promises or guarantees.

Hope this is of interest to someone. I'll put the cameras back in the box, and wait for someone to contact me. If I don't hear anything within a few weeks, I'll assume they are of no use to anyone and put them in the recycling bin.



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