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Jupiter - First feeble attempt.


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First time imaging in over three months, sky stayed clear long enough last night to see Jupiter, it was my first time happy.gif to see it through a scope and what a magnificent sight. Managed to get some images (poor in comparison to those posted) with the 400D at prime focus (80ED) and with eyepiece projection through 13mm Hyperion, not an ideal setup, need to get the 6" Tal out tonight if it stays clear and have a good look.

First image is at prime focus, second is a heavily cropped composite of eyepiece projection images.


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Yes I like No. 2 a lot. A lovely widefield view of Giant of the solar system with three of his kids beside him. How good is that. Where Ganymede, off the frame, or behind the Planet.? :D

Ron. :D

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Thanks for all the feedback, had set the 6" Tal up tonight to have a better view, blue skies and absolutely clear until 10.30 then from nowhere the clouds rolled in, total cloud cover now :x . just makes the blood boil, nothing for it but pack up and wait another ??? (month) for a clear sky.


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...set the 6" Tal up tonight to have a better view, blue skies and absolutely clear until 10.30 then from nowhere the clouds rolled in...

That's a shame. :D I would of been interested in the comparison...

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Hate to buck the trend and both images are splendid but I prefer No.1.

Less detail but a grand vista. Very much like a wide angle eyepiece view or as seen through binoculars.



Ganymede Indeed. :oops:

Callisto is in the first image too of course. :D

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