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I've had this software since I got my newt. I want to use it since it's paid for and so I don't have to keep going outside when I want to change the object I want to image. I use teamviewer 11  to my  capture computer at the mount. My ? is ,  has  anyone used this to control from a computer and how well does it work for Telescope control ? I've been using Stellarium  but, it has issues and it's time to try something new. Anyone ?

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I'm not sure I fully understand your question, but I'll try.

I started off using Teamviewer 11 when you suggested it to me. I really liked it, but for me it would occasionally just drop out. And the nag screen drove me nuts. (Like I tell the wife, "Short trip.") So I went looking for something similar. And while not as good as Teamviewer11, TightVnc has given me control of the programs running on my laptop at the mount. Basically: NexRemote, Stellarium, PHD2, and my camera program(s).

But with Teamviewer 11, or now with TightVnc, I control my outside computer from inside via WiFi. I just get everything working outside before coming in and running the imaging. I have done complete alignments of the mount from inside, just to see if I could, successfully. But normally I just sit out at the mount to get everything set-up. That is faster for me.

Where I wind up going back and forth is to do any filter changing, or focus adjustments. Because those require me to go do them manually. Hence, I usually pick one target and stay with it. (But lately have been doing two, one in the evening, then Orion in the wee hours if I can.)

But NexRemote gives me the hand control on screen (Celestron). Stellarium is my targeting program, as well as observing my guiding. PHD2 does the eyepiece needs for alignment, and of course the guiding duties. And then I just use the Orion Camera Studio which came with my CCD camera. They are all running at the same time, and I will often click around to look at one or another just observing them.

Teamviewer11, or TightVnc, allows me to do anything with the mouse and indoor keyboard that I can do at the laptop. Open or close stuff, make folders, etc. But Teamviewer11 also allowed images to be transferred from outside to the inside. I sure liked that. There is a lag at times, but that may just be because of the distance.

So what is got your knickers in a bunch?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry for not knowing exactly how to say what I want. I'm having trouble just setting the camera control up, I get everything inputted except for aperture m^2. What is that? I've posted the ? to other forums but, I guess they don't understand the ? I switched my laptops because my Asus i5 is faster both are OS w10 but, my HP was w8 upgraded to 10 when it came out" BIG MISTAKE"! I set up and get aligned but, I've not done my alignment from the cave yet, I wait until I'm on my target don't want to make the walk anymore than I have to and if anything is going wrong , it's getting it aligned , I've been trying my hardest to get my polar scope aligned and It's a real [removed word]. I'm not frustrated , I did download vnc control and haven't used it yet. I figured since SN is  paid for why not use it , just to find out if it's worthy. Stellarium has worked , I don't use it too much. Hows that Orion SS g3 working with w10? A buddy seems to think w10 is why my ccd is malfunctioning ! I hope that's all it is . yes , I still do Tviewer but, now I use 11 and no problems .I started to  use my dusty anti- vibration pads to remedy a passing train but, if there's "  1 coming and 1 going " PHD will jump up to 1 1/2 not too bad it settles down before all the way through a frame . I've got time since The planets are gone to get my Deep space stuff together for those galaxies , globs and nebulae.  I let Saturn slip away from the prime position shooting Mars with that new spc900nc but, man the data is awesome. Sonny the best images I can hope for are taken with my mono camera and LRBG , I've got passed mounting and balancing my load with everything on the mount but, darn camera issues. It's killing me not being able to get any data collected while my cam is down and since I just go out guiding and viewing the neck and shoulder are always in intense pain from cocking my head instead of monitor watching. Take it slow, that's what I know !

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