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30 Second NA & Pelican in Ha

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Here's a quick sketch of the North America and Pelican nebulae taken through my 200mm f2.8 lens and 12nm Ha filter.


Very noisy, but that's to be expected of a 30 second exposure at ISO 6400. It was shot at 8:05, a full 1/2 hour short of full astro dark and with a crescent Moon in the sky, which does show the filters ability to separate the signal from any background sources.

Spent the rest of the evening shooting the Veil until the clouds rolled in. I've imaged it previously with this lens but I'm hoping the filter will help me bring out its structure against the massive number of background stars in Cygnus.

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That's still very good for only 30 seconds. Try taking 1 hour worth of those and stack away. That should scare the noise away. :icon_biggrin:

BTW, what settings did you use for the veil? Also 30 sec subs?

Thanks for sharing

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