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The EQ3 DSO Challenge

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Is AP a bit like fishing - about the one that got away? :happy6: Beautiful night - very clear, darkest skies for a long time, target overhead, windy but not affecting the scope. Only one problem of course - low clouds! Only managed 3 subs @ 240sec on the Veil Nebula. 


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2 hours ago, bobro said:

Is AP a bit like fishing - about the one that got away? :happy6: Beautiful night - very clear, darkest skies for a long time, target overhead, windy but not affecting the scope.

I had the same idea last night, was going to add to my North America Nebula, it was so clear I could see the milkyway from my back garden even with the street lights!! I set up as usual and got underway thinking "This is going to be brilliant"... Managed about 90 mins of imaging, I did think the subs were a bit on the dark side, but I was using an LP filter for the first time properly so didn't think any more about it... half an hour on dark frames.... Moved my scope into the kitchen to get some flats and then realised I hadn't set the shutter to "B".... for 2 hours my it'd been taking 1.6 second snaps and waiting a minute between frames!! FACE PALM!!!

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Great image for 3 x240s Bob :) 

You both had better luck than me.

It looked promising last night but the thin cloud didn't go away, finally gave up waiting at about 12.30am.

Half an hour or so in bed and I remembered that I had forgot to close the back door, when closing it I noticed a perfect clear sky, to late to setup I went back to snoozeland.

The story of my astronomy life :D 


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1 hour ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Your ability to guide with an EQ2 is impressive.

Isn't this the eq3 challenge? :wink:

3 hours ago, Art Gecko said:

I had the same idea last night, was going to add to my North America Nebula, it was so clear I could see the milkyway from my back garden even with the street lights!! I set up as usual and got underway thinking "This is going to be brilliant"... Managed about 90 mins of imaging, I did think the subs were a bit on the dark side, but I was using an LP filter for the first time properly so didn't think any more about it... half an hour on dark frames.... Moved my scope into the kitchen to get some flats and then realised I hadn't set the shutter to "B".... for 2 hours my it'd been taking 1.6 second snaps and waiting a minute between frames!! FACE PALM!!!

(Done that, been there.) I understand the frustration

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1 hour ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Your ability to guide with an EQ2 is impressive.

Thanks Neil, however you may have a change of view when you see a fairly typical guide graph below (though DEC is better now after a bit of re-greasing).

As the setup isn't doing the OTA justice, I've acquired a CG-5 tripod. With a little hacksaw work the EQ2 should fit on it. (I promise part of an upgrade plan to include an EQ3 - don't chuck me out please! :happy11:)

Now my turn to set a challenge to you guys - can you predict what improvement (if any) the new tripod will make? The old tripod is a 1.25" steel tube as supplied with the Meade 130EQ. Remember the RA motor is just a simple dc motor with a gearbox.


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I had a good couple of hours on The Dumbbell Nebula and was comfortable with my 45 sec and some 60 sec subs, some nights balance and polar alignment just seem to click. Away now for the weekend in Guildford at family so can't process till Sunday night maybe even Monday. The anticipation. 

Edited by Peco4321
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57 minutes ago, wimvb said:

(Done that, been there.) I understand the frustration

Glad I'm not the only one!!

47 minutes ago, bobro said:

As the setup isn't doing the OTA justice, I've acquired a CG-5 tripod. With a little hacksaw work the EQ2 should fit on it. (I promise part of an upgrade plan to include an EQ3 - don't chuck me out please! :happy11:)

Now my turn to set a challenge to you guys - can you predict what improvement (if any) the new tripod will make? The old tripod is a 1.25" steel tube as supplied with the Meade 130EQ. Remember the RA motor is just a simple dc motor with a gearbox.

Bob I am constantly amazed by your guiding on EQ2! I would say the new tripod may increase the overall stability of the setup, and hopefully will allow for more weight on the mount than the basic stock tripod would give... as for making a difference to the guiding... not so sure... if you could figure out a way of fitting some sort of polar scope, or even setting the tripod up as a permanent pillar, maybe use drift alignment to pinpoint the NCP,  your graph might look more consistent (this is just speculation though from what I've learned about guiding from SGL.. as you know, I still operate unguided)... To be fair I can only imagine the hassle you go through setting up every time you want to image! You deserve to be in the EQ3 challenge as much as anyone!

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1 hour ago, bobro said:

I haven't got an EQ2 Challenge to go to...sob....sob :sad2:. Besides, these guys are really helpful! :happy72:

 Eq2 is more of a challenge anyway. And, yes, they certainly are.

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Well, Art gets the prize for predicting the level of improvement the CG5 tripod would make to guiding of my EQ2 - none! (see new graph below) Not surprising really as the EQ2 and ecomony motor drive are pushing things a bit. So it's back in the box for the CG5 for now (waiting to meet up with an EQ3 mount) as the old tripod is easier to carry around. Managed to get another 2 (yes just 2, - don't ask!) subs to add to the previous 3 on the Veil. Tried out StarTools binning/noise reduction - makes a good improvement.

graph3 (CG5).jpg


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That's looking good Bob, with every sub added will be less noise and more detail, a great image with so little time :) 

I find the less you have to bin the better, with a good couple of hours worth of subs 75% bin gives me the best results, but it does take longer to process.

If I have up to an hour I use 50% sometimes 30% binning.

Your PHD graph looks a bit like mine. :) 


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M27 Dumbbell Nebula, my best yet, really pleased with this, approx. 55 mins of data of mostly 45 sec exposures, some 60 sec,  ISO 800, darks and bias, from last Thursday, been away so only processed tonight, tried Startools but just used Photoshop Express for post processing this time.  No flats, still struggling with them!



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1 minute ago, Peco4321 said:

M27 Dumbbell Nebula, my best yet, really pleased with this, approx. 55 mins of data of mostly 45 sec exposures, some 60 sec,  ISO 800, darks and bias, from last Thursday, been away so only processed tonight, tried Startools but just used Photoshop Express for post processing this time.  No flats, still struggling with them!



A lovely image Peter, well done.


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For a change to the Veil, IC1396 including the Elephant's Trunk. I wasn't too sure quite where the trunk was nor how large it is and 6 minute subs didn't show any nebulosity (not a very clear night), but did manage to capture a little of it in 5 subs. Certainly worth a revisit, probably with longer subs.


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There once was a planet covered by eternal cloud.

Its inhabitants had a forum where they speculated on what existed above the cloud. They invested in advanced optical and imaging equipment and advanced software to allow them to probe the distance reaches of whatever lay above.

Sadly, the cloud never did part, but at least they had something to spend their money on and talk about on Stargazers Lounge...

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