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The Wizard Nebula in Ha


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The night of 12th September started off fairly clear but with a bright Moon that would dictate the position and type of object that I could image. Having set up my imaging run though, I noticed that the Moon had disappeared behind a thick and developing cloud layer which did not bode well for the rest of the session!

However, Cepheus remained clear so I started the session and hoped for the best. This turned out to be a reasonable decision as I managed 9 x 1200 second subframes before the cloud killed the session and my observatory shut down automatically. Luckily, a call of nature at 3:30 in the morning alerted me to clear skies again so I restarted the session capturing a further 3 x 1200 second subframes. Close inspection of the data showed that 11 of the frames were good with a 12th one clearly covered in a layer of cloud so it was rejected!

My chosen object was the Wizard Nebula also known as Sharpless 142. Sh2-142 is a diffuse nebula rich is Ha and OIII emissions that surrounds the open star cluster NGC 7380. The cluster itself was discovered by Caroline Herschel on 7th August, 1787 and is a developing cluster, which means that it has ongoing star formation. The cluster and its nebulous cloud lie over 7,000 light years away in the constellation of Cepheus at RA: 22h47m 18.0s DE:+58°08'00".

Image Details

Camera: QSI 683 WSG-8
Filter: Baader 7nm Ha
Telescope: William Optics FLT 98
Mount: Mesu 200
Exposures: 11 x 1200 sec Ha
Processing: MaxIm DL and PhotoShop CS3


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