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Below is a link to a this small app yesterday... and it is free!

quote from the site: "Is your computer keeping you up late? f.lux is free software that warms up your computer display at night, to match your indoor lighting."


Pros Site says it works on Windows, Linux, Android, Mac OS X, iOS* platforms. I am at present using it on an Apple iBook G4/PPC, (although it is very basic compared to the screenshots on the site, it does work). It has four lighting level scenarios. I am also considering getting it for Windows & Linux laptop/desktop too.

Cons The present release only supports mainland cities in USA. The default city is Los Angeles. Other worldwide cities are not included - so your local sunrise and sunset times will/maybe out of sync. No nightvision mode option. I may suggest it to the developers if it is still being maintained/updated.



* only support for 'jailbreaked' iOS devices from what I read in the discussion forums. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

++ UPDATE ++

  1. Since I downloaded the f.lux one month ago, [September 8], I am very impressed with it. So I will continue with out I know and found... ignore the comment - "...Cons The present release only supports mainland cities in USA. The default city is Los Angeles. Other worldwide cities are not included - so your local sunrise and sunset times will/maybe out of sync..." - I should have read 'the dummies/idiots guide to f.lux' :iamwithstupid:/ notes / etc before the original posting.

1. enter your coordinates as latitude & longitude in the location box, (see screenshot below). Don't use longer than two decimal places and use the hyphen/minus for coordinates west of the Greenwich Meridian... ie 51.43, -0.93*

by default 1.jpg

2. don't enter a city/town/village name or post code.**    note: I think USPS zip codes are acceptable.

3. depending on the coordinates you have entered, there will/maybe a delay +/- a few minutes of your local sunrise/sunset as displayed or read in an astronomy almanac for your latitude & longitude.



* this is my coordinate that I entered from the Clear Outside app for my location.

** this applies to GB/UK and other worldwide users.


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8 minutes ago, johnfosteruk said:

I've been using this on the mac for a year or so and it's brilliant... 

It's kind of pointless for IOS now by the way since IOS 9 (I think) as it has the feature built in - 'Night Shift' under display settings.

From what I have read on the f.lux site/forums, this has been said, (plus other issues), and the developers feel it is no longer find it is viable on iOS.

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