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Elephant´s Trunk Nebula - 5 hours


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Managed to catch 5 hours on IC1396 the other night. Kept all of my subs for stacking but I might scan them a bit closer and do a restack because I think some of them were a bit hazy from dew on the secondary.

Anyway, I´m really pleased with this one. Didn´t think I´d get this result with my DSLR :)


Canon EOS 550D (astromod.)
Skywatcher 150-PDS
HEQ5 Pro Synscan
Orion MMAG

Could have worked it even harder but wanted to keep the look somewhat natural. I might do a separate stack of the 60s-subs and blend that in for the stars.

Hope you like it! Make sure you click up the high res version! :)


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