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While I wait... dob cart?

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Hi all!  Unfortunately I've been hit with horrible skies for the past week or so and haven't been able to test out the solutions several if u helped me with in a different thread.  I thought while I waited for the weather to clear up, why not get started on this future project :)


I saw some really neat ideas while searching this site, but I couldn't find one that fit the thoughts that I have.


I want a sort of lawnmower style design.  But I want a permanent setup so I don't have to ever take the dob off of there except when I'm travelling AND it needs to be able to at least go down a couple stairs (house to patio 3 steps), If possible.

My thought is a simple squ are base made of wood and 4 wheels (already have 4 10" pneumatic tires).  I can't figure out how to design the handles so they are slightly angled (60-75 degrees)??  

I was thinking of just buying a cheap 10 ft pipe, cut it in half.  Or pvc?  Is pvc strong enough?  Attach those two to the wood base and add a horizontal attachment to also work as a handle... that sounds way too simplistic though and I'm worried it would not be stable enough??






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